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March 2010

Thursday Training Reminder
Back at the track this week! Subsequent venues to be confirmed, but no more Chesterton til autumn.
[Andy Irvine, Wed 31/03/10] [comments (0)]

Round Norfolk Relay
We've passed the application process (yes, really!) and we're signed up for another Round Norfolk Relay. 194 miles in 17 legs, 18th-19th September. We have one team, in the Club class which is the premier category (requirements: at least 5 female and 6 veterans), and we intend to field the strongest team possible in order to get in amongst the prizes with the likes of City of Norwich. Are you good enough? Can you make it? Quick people will be selected and targeted by Glyn and me in the nearish future, based on recent race performances for C&C, so put the dates in you diary. Slower people like me may have to wait a bit! Check out the race website here, and pics from last year here.
[Andy Irvine, Wed 31/03/10] [comments (0)]

Thorney 10K and C&C Grand Prix
With just three of us there, the easiest-ever C&C Grand Prix points were on offer at the Thorney 10K, but our lads and lass didn't shirk their club duty. Katie Toynton's superb 42:18 was good enough not only for fifth place, but also to pip the very handy times from Steve Thoday and Dave Yeneralski. Well done all, and have 20 points (or 19) all round.
Unsurprisingly, Katie rockets to the top of the Grand Prix table with a maximum 40 points, and Dave slots into second with 30. Next up is the Eye 10K on 9th May.
[Andy Irvine, Tue 30/03/10] [comments (0)]

From our Essex Correspondent
Few have plundered the East's silverware as ruthlessly since the Vikings. John Oakes' 29:16 at the Braintree five-miler gave him first prize in the Vet 50s and eleventh overall.
In the same county, John Evans took a brilliant ninth place in the St Clare Hospice 10K, clocking 38:40. Congratulations to both.
[Andy Irvine, Tue 30/03/10] [comments (0)]

Oakley 20
A day of triumph and disaster in varying proportions at Oakley, but glory all round for completing (if I do say so myself). First C&C was debutant Andy Allsopp, and first C&C female was Meinou Simmons. Top running by Carmel McEniery next, PB-ing on a tough course. And a salute to Katie Samuelson, Hazel Turton, Deb Carter and (ahem) me. It'll be worth it on marathon day!
[Andy Irvine, Tue 30/03/10] [comments (0)]

Joe Cox Half Marathon
Well, we had a pretty remarkable set of results from the Joe Cox Half at Stowmarket on Sunday. Every single one of our magnificent seven runners finished in the top three of his/her category, which is outstanding in such a high-quality race. First home were John Ferguson (eighth) and Andrew Shields (ninth), with Giacomo Capetti (13th), Simon Brightwell (18th) and Giulio Cinque (31st) right up at the sharp end too. Maria Brightwell (second V45) and Diana Braverman (third V55) repeated the feat in the women's race. Very, very impressive, team!
[Andy Irvine, Tue 30/03/10] [comments (0)]

British Elite Duathlon Championships
Just back from Loughborough where the British Elite Duathlon Championships were held. We had a surprisingly large turnout from C&C (although all competing under their Triathlon colours). Will Clarke came 2nd in the Men's race after working hard to catch Tim Don. George Schwiening also finished 2nd in the Female Youth's race and Alice Sharpe in 8th place and Adam Tapley in 15th. A great performance throughout and another example of C&C runners showing their versatility!
[Christof Schwiening, Sun 28/03/10] [comments (0)]

Newmarket Heath Run
This year's 6 km Newmarket Heath Run, on the evening of Thursday 6th May, will be run in aid of the Friends of Camilla Milbank Appeal. Camilla is a Newmarket Jogger who suffered a serious spinal injury on the Gallops last year, and by running you can help our friends at Newmarket raise money for her rehabilitation. You can read her story, and make a donation, at the Appeal website.
[Andy Irvine, Fri 26/03/10] [comments (0)]

travelling to London Marathon on 25th April?
The cheapest option is to take the bus from Parkside to Stratford (London) on the Sunday morning. The 6am bus gets to Stratford at 7:10, and you can take the DLR from there to Greenwich. At the moment there is a "funfare" for £1 each way. The DLR is free. I did this last year and it worked well.
[Simon, Wed 24/03/10] [comments (0)]

Cambridge Half Campaign
Ben Baldelli is trying to kick-start a new Half Marathon for Cambridge and could do with your support. Head over to the Facebook group to put your name to the campaign.
[Andy Irvine, Wed 24/03/10] [comments (0)]

Olympics Tickets
Ever wanted to be an international athlete? Want to get competition tips from the best in the world? Now you can at first hand!
Register your interest for Olympics tickets at http://www.tickets.london2012.com/. Tickets won't go on sale until 2011, but you'll get updates and advance notice of how to apply for tickets. Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to see one of the biggest sports gatherings in the world on your doorstep, or at least just down the road. Well, 50 miles to London is the doorstep compared to Sydney.
[Dave Mail, Tue 23/03/10] [comments (0)]

Ryston Runners Cross-Country
It was the last Ryston Cross-Country of the Season on Saturday, and our squad of mudlarks were rewarded for their efforts this season with the trophy for most improved club. Superb effort, and well deserved.
Individually, there was the usual crop of fine performances. Lucy and Hollie Parker both won their age groups and James Cochrane did the same too. Also on the podium (which, sadly, may not actually exist) was Nathalie Richards in the Seniors. Well done them, and everyone who represented us.
[Andy Irvine, Tue 23/03/10] [comments (0)]

Weekend Round-Up - Shorter, Faster and Muckier
An unusual and very noteworthy double in rural Essex, where C&C took won not just one race, but two. Ben Baldelli led the field home in the muddy Clavering 10K+, and Seth Kennard repeated the feat in the equally-mucky 5K version. Graham Anderson and Christian Nielsen were fourth and sixth in the 10K+. Full results now up. Congratulations to all.
[Andy Irvine, Tue 23/03/10] [comments (0)]

Weekend Round-Up - 13- to 15-Milers
The Orion 15 in deepest Chingford has a fearsome reputation, so well done John Oakes, David Edwards and Diana Braverman for taming it in style. Kudos too to Paul O'Brien in the Brentwood Half and Jalanie D'Alessandro at Hastings.
[Andy Irvine, Tue 23/03/10] [comments (0)]

Weekend Round-Up - 20-Milers
We're deep in 20-miler season, and there were a couple of good ones over the weekend.
On Saturday, Dave Mail and Katie Samuelson took to the hills and spectacular countryside of mid-Wales for the Rhayader Round the Lakes 20. Dave's course-PB of 2:51 is recounted in his race report, and Katie's cracked rib didn't do a lot to slow her down.
Sunday's race over the undulations of Ashby-de-la-Zouch saw Alan Pritchard and Dave Pell in superb form. Al finished 29th in 2:11, with Dave not far back in 2:19. Back them for quick marathons this season.
[Andy Irvine, Tue 23/03/10] [comments (0)]

Thursday Training
This Thursday (25th March) is the last Thursday session from Chesterton until the autumn. Check the training links on the left for venues over the summer. Please remember!
[Andy Irvine, Mon 22/03/10] [comments (0)]

English Schools' Cross Country
Heaton Park in Manchester provided a great squelching end to the youngsters cross country season with some of the deepest mud we have seen. Runners queued at the bottom of the slope to use the hand-rail to haul themselves up. We fielded three of the Intermediate female runners who did very well. The Schools' age groups are different to the ones usual ones, so placing tend to move around a bit. Millie Turner did one of her best runs this season, finishing in an excellent 75th place. As usual, sorry if I have missed someone out, please let me know and I will add them.
[Christof Schwiening, Mon 22/03/10] [comments (0)]

SEAA Masters Cross-Country
Well done Diana Braverman - third F55 at the SEAA Masters.
[Andy Irvine, Tue 16/03/10] [comments (0)]

Silverstone 10K
Add your own humorous motor-racing-related comments for the Silverstone Half. Edward Perrin's 1:31 put him in pole position, while Carol Stanier's 2:04 was somewhat slower than in official practice (sorry, Carol!).
[Andy Irvine, Mon 15/03/10] [comments (0)]

Cambridge Cambourne 10K places
As you're aware, our very own Cambridge Cambourne 10K (11th April) filled up a while ago, but there is a system for transferring entries. Whilst it's too much of a nightmare to take returns and do a waiting list, it's easy enough to do a dating service in-club, so if you are after a place or have one you can't use, get in touch and I'll pair you up with a clubmate if I can (you will have to arrange payment between yourselves). I have two places to start you off, so it's first come, first served.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 15/03/10] [comments (0)]

Lode Muddy Marvel
Off the roads once again, for the five-mile Lode Muddy Marvel, and a cracking win for Ben Baldelli, who beat his nearest rival by nearly a quarter of a mile. Glory too for John Oakes, first Vet 50, and an impressive 20th for youngster Seth Kennard. Well done them, and the rest of the squad too (again, let me know if I missed you out).
[Andy Irvine, Mon 15/03/10] [comments (0)]

The Boundary Run
CUH&H's Cambridge Boundary Run is a multi-terrain, marathon- and half-marathon-distance trek around the fringes of the city and is one of the stiffest tests around (even harder than collating C&C results, so if you did it and I didn't spot your name, let me know). A hearty round of congratulations to Simon Brightwell and John Ferguson (our quickest marathoners in 3:28, and to Andrew Shields (3:36), Dave Pell (3:41), Maria Brightwell, Syndiah Culit and Andrea Martinelli (together in an impressive 3:44), 'Ultra Katie' Samuelson (3:50) and Andrea Hill (4:01).
Tackling the Half in style were Graham Anderson (1:24), Jalanie D'Alessandro (1:38) and Joad Raymond (1:44).
Hats off to everyone. That's a tough run!
[Andy Irvine, Mon 15/03/10] [comments (0)]

Inter-counties cross country - Birmingham
Just back from the Inter-Counties cross country in Birmingham. For those who don't follow these things the Inter-counties are the highest level cross-country event in the country. Only the top seven, or so runners from each county, in each age group qualify (including Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland). So the field was noticably faster than the English Nationals in Leeds. The course in Birmingham was very compact, right next to the old car plants in Longbridge. Whilst it was undulating and boggy in places it had far less drama than at Leeds, and thankfully fewer tears too. The Cambridgeshire squad was as compact as the site, so we were unlikely to score well in the League tables - but there were some great individual performances. The results have now been posted - I hope I have got everyone...more below.
[Christof Schwiening, Sat 13/03/10] [comments (0)]

Meinou running the London marathon for Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC)
Having been struck by the devastation in Haiti after the earthquake in January, I read about the DEC's work in helping those on the ground in one of the poorest countries. As the rainy season is coming, lots of people are without shelter and homes. I think if I can help raise money for those less fortunate, who don't have many of their basic needs met, I am hopefully doing some good. I hope I make it to the start without injury..it was such a great atmosphere last year. My link is:
[Meinou Simmons, Fri 12/03/10] [comments (0)]

Cambs Road League 2010
Well, as the Frostbite has now finished, as a club, I would like us to focus on winning the Cambs Road League this year. We finished in third position last year with Werrington Joggers finishing first. I therefore believe we have the ability to win.
The league comprises of varying distances of 5k, 10k, 10 mile, up to half marathon distances. Further details can be found via this link -
The first race is The Thorney 10k race on Sunday 28th March and it would be great to have as many C & C runners there. Once again I will be offering my full support at these races (except the Bushfield 10k).
However, I am sorry to say that a majority of these races have an entry fee.
[Adam Poole, Thu 11/03/10] [comments (0)]

Grand Prix - comments?
Now up - a draft version of this season's Grand Prix fixtures. Anyone have an opinion on what races should and shouldn't be in? Get in touch, please! Thorney 10K in a fortnight or so is definitely in and definitely next.
[Andy Irvine, Thu 11/03/10] [comments (0)]

Charlotte's World Championships Quest
A plea from Alan Baldock - let him know if you can help:
We need 6 athletes to ride the London to Cambridge bike ride on the 25/7/2010. We will do the ride on the Blue training bike. We will ask you to raise a minimum of £50 and all the money will go to help Charlotte Cox, who is representing her Country in the First World Championships for athletes with Down's Syndrome, this will take place in Mexico in September. We have three pressed men already; James, Simon and myself, we need three more persons. First three volunteers will Experience the pain of saddle soreness. Saddles are a optional extra.
[Andy Irvine, Wed 10/03/10] [comments (0)]

Roding Valley Half
I've just spotted that Graham Anderson (1:23, 19th) and Christian Nielsen (1:28, 45th) both did rather well at the Roding Valley Half last week - belated congrats!
[Andy Irvine, Wed 10/03/10] [comments (0)]

Doing/done the GNR?
If so, Caz would appreciate some advice on accommodation this year - see forum.
[Andy Irvine, Tue 09/03/10] [comments (0)]

MK Half
Well done Simon Bowen at the MK Half - second V55 (and 202nd overall) in a very big field, clocking 1:28. Not too far behind was Tim Chew, with a C&C-debut 1:34.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 08/03/10] [comments (0)]

BRJ Results
To update Adam's message, the (corrected) results from the BRJ race are now up. We dominated the top ten, which is great to see. Martin Reid, Mike Salt and Noel Carroll finished second, third and fourth respectively, with Ben Baldelli and Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha in sight of them in ninth and tenth. Also in the top 20 were Alan Pritchard (16th) and John Oakes (20th). John's 87.18% WAVA grading was the highest ever recorded ('ever' meaning since this site's records began in 2006), pipping his 87.00% at Great Bentley Half last month. Worth a moment's applause as you sit at your PC, I feel.
The female team was, as too often, short-staffed, but the bare-minimum of three we had were lightning around the streets of Huntingdon so we got away with it. Thanks and well done to Jemma Clarry (tenth female), Kim Masson (12th) and Caz Pritchard (13th).
It's been a cracking season, and second place is our best ever, so well done to everyone who made it to BRJ or any of the other five races this season. You're all heroes.

The Junior team once again did us proud, and were once again competitive with the very best. Hollie Parker led us in, seventh overall and first girl, with Thomas Heylen (11th), Lucy Parker (13th/third girl), Charlotte Murphy (14th/fourth) and Claire Wilson (17th/fifth) packing the top 20. Great running once again by Lauren Murphy, Alex Stone and Maisie Cassidy. All of those runners have turned out again and again for the club in all weather, and I think they'll be challenging for the top honours next season.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 08/03/10] [comments (0)]

Wymondham 20, Thanet 20 and Further Still
To deepest, sunny but chilly Norfolk for the Wymondham 20. Well done to Antonio Ciruela, Meinou Simmons, Carmel McEniery and Deb Carter, continuing the long-distance season with a set of handy performances.
Meanwhile, in Kent, in-form Katie Toynton turned in a 2:33 at the Thanet 20. Continuing a bit beyond Kent, Mandy, Tim, Dave and Rachel took on the Paris Half, and performed with distinction. Finally, our international sources report a 4:07 from globetrotting Mike DiFranco at the Barcelona Marathon.
[Andy Irvine, Sun 07/03/10] [comments (0)]

Frostbite League - BRJ
from Adam
As the 2009/10 Frostbite season is now over, I'd like to say a HUGE thank you to all the runners who participated and made it such a successful season. Today's performance and turn for both the junior and senior races was simply outstanding.
The results are are as follows -
Juniors - today we finished 5th and came 4th overall. Riverside Runners won the junior series and a special well done goes to Hollie Parker who won C & C junior runner of the season.
Seniors - (we had no less than 7 runners in the top 20, including 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 9th, 10th, 16th, and 20th). Today we finished second just (no surprise here) behind NVH and overall remain in second place with 95 points, while NVH have 100. It has been an excellent season because we have consistently maintained the same positions throughout, so well done to absolutely everyone who ran. It clearly gives us a good focus for the 2010/11 season and I hope we can improve on it.
The senior runner of the series has yet to be announced so watch this space!
And finally, I have spot prizes for the following people, which I would like to get to you as soon as possible -
Juniors - Thomas Heyden
Seniors - John Morley, Ben Baldelli, Simon Redfern, Paul O'Brien, and Leon Stone
Thank you once again.
[Andy Irvine, Sun 07/03/10] [comments (0)]

Dunmow Duathlon
Congratulations Ben Baldelli - winner of the Dunmow Duathlon! Not a bad start to the multi-event season.
[Andy Irvine, Sat 06/03/10] [comments (0)]

Runners' Sports Yoga Session
I would like to set up a regular Wednesday sports yoga session. However, I'm planning to trail it first to see if it proves to be popular and successful. I have therefore got a trail date in mind on Wednesday 24th March from 19:15 - 20:30 and the cost is £6 per person. I am afraid that due to space, there are only 12 spaces available and it's on a first come, first served basis. So, if you are interested, please can you let me know and pay the £6 in advance by 5pm Wednesday 17th March?
The venue is in the centre of Cambridge and there's car parking in Park Street car park or on Jesus Lane.
Click here for a poster.
[Adam Poole, Sat 06/03/10] [comments (0)]

Cambridge parkrun
The last parkrun of February was the first that I have actually run, and I have to say I thought it was a fantastic course (I may be biased). I've written up a report at the race page.

This Saturday's parkrun saw Jonathan Escalante-Phillips PB once more (taking more than 2 minutes off his first parkrun time, from just one month ago) and come in third, and first junior. It was great to see Alessandro coming back again from injury, with Chris B, Andrew H, ultra-Katie, and the Downie double making fantastic runs on an unusally dry and frost-less morning.
[Simon, Fri 05/03/10] [comments (0)]

Social News - Bowling and Meal Night
Make a note in your diaries - there's a bowling and grub night out on Friday 19th March, more details to follow. Let Adam know if you want to come along. Click below for Adam's info.
[Andy Irvine, Wed 03/03/10] [comments (0)]

Frostbite League - BRJ
There's one last chance of Frostbite glory for C&C at the BRJ fixture in Huntingdon this coming Sunday (7th). We're in second place coming into the last race, a few points behind Nene Valley and a few ahead of Werrington; it would take a bad day for NVH for us to have the chance of our first championship, but let's make sure we take the opportunity if it arises.
The race is at the BRJ Club on Sallowbush Road, Huntingdon, PE29 7LA. 11am start for Seniors, 10:15 for Juniors, no entry fee, no registering, just turn up in your club vest and run.
There will be a meet-up at 9am at Wilberforce Road for lift-sharing - please everyone try to make it - it could be our date with destiny, but we need as many C&C vests as possible!
[Andy Irvine, Wed 03/03/10] [comments (0)]
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