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Important: There are new laws regarding website security, and you need to be told how your data is being used. By logging in, a cookie will be set on your computer containing your login details. This site will use the cookie to identify you and to provide content accordingly. If you select automatic login by ticking the box, this cookie will be 'persistent' - it will remain on your computer even if you shut down. If you don't tick the box, the cookie will disappear when you close your browser. If this isn't acceptable to you, please don't log in! Otherwise logging in will be taken as meaning you consent to the use of this cookie. Just ask if you're unsure.
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Note! To protect personal information, registration is open to C&C members only!
To register, just enter your e-mail address. You will be sent an e-mail with further instructions. Note - your details will only be used for this website, will never be visible to other users (unless you specify that it may be seen by registered users) and will never be passed on to anyone else.
Registration is not actually vital, but it will enable you to post news items, race details and race results, and to upload and edit photos.
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Enter your e-mail address and it will be sent to you.
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