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Thursday Training Sessions

Thursday session

All Thursday sessions are based on continual running and will mostly have hills en route. This is to satisfy the necessity of having tempo-type runs after interval training on Tuesdays. Adding a long, steady run at the weekend (see facebook group for arrangements) will cover the bases for most distance running. Meeting times are the same as for Tuesdays.

Most sessions will be approximately 2/3 miles warm up, 4 miles tempo, 2/3 miles warm down.

Meet at 6:30pm at the track to start session at 6:45pm.

All Thursday sessions will include a jog warm up and static stretching when we finish. This session is suitable for all abilities, providing you can do a 9 minute mile, as the tempo section includes opportunities to re-group. So those who say they can't come because they don't think they can keep up, get down to the track! No more excuses!

Richard's Thursday Sessions

If you are following Richard's half marathon plan on Facebook, you will be doing the following sessions on a Thursday:

29 November: Hills
We shall join Glyn for his hill reps off Chesterton Road.

6 December: K Reps and Kettlebells
Bring a piece of kit if you have one - a kettlebell, med ball, dumbbell, resistance bands and pick 5 exercises to do, one after each rep.

13 December: Cruise Intervals
6 x 6:00 (1:00 cruising at race pace, 5:00 harder)

20 December: Cruise Intervals
6 x 6:00 (0:30 cruising at race pace, 5:30 harder)

27 December: NO SESSION

3 January 2019: Hills
Venue TBA

10 January: K Reps and Kettlebells
Bring a piece of kit if you have one - a kettlebell, med ball, dumbbell, resistance bands and pick 5 exercises to do, one after each rep.

17 January: Tempo
3 x 12:00 at tempo pace

24 January: Tempo
30:00 at tempo pace

31 January: Tempo
4 x 13:00 at tempo pace

7 February: Tempo
40:00 at tempo pace

14 February: Hills
Venue TBA

21 February: Cruise Intervals
6 x 7:00 (2:00 race pace, 5:00 harder)

28 February: Easy run
30:00 easy with 6-8 50m strides


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