Ilam village
(pic: Madhuri)
View from Ilam Hall YHA
(pic: Madhuri)
(pic: Madhuri)
Limbering up the day before 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Bunster Hill, Dovedale
(pic: Madhuri)
Limbering up the day before 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Ravens Tor
(pic: Madhuri)
Limbering up the day before 3
(pic: Madhuri)
Lion's Head Rock, Dovedale
(pic: Madhuri)
Limbering up the day before 4
(pic: Madhuri)
Entrance to Reynards Cave
(pic: Madhuri)
Limbering up the day before 5
(pic: Madhuri)
Ilam Rock, Dovedale
(pic: Madhuri)
Limbering up the day before 6
(pic: Madhuri)
The Twelve Apostles
(pic: Madhuri)
Limbering up the day before 7
(pic: Madhuri)
Checking out the stepping stones before the race 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Checking out the stepping stones before the race 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Checking out the stepping stones before the race 3
(pic: Madhuri)
Glyn finds a friend
(pic: Madhuri)
Inside Dove Hole
(pic: Madhuri)
(pic: Madhuri)
Our social event organiser
(pic: Madhuri)
Pickering Tor, Dovedale
(pic: Madhuri)
The calm before the storm
(pic: Madhuri)
The stepping stones vantage point
(pic: Madhuri)
Viators Bridge, Milldale
(pic: Madhuri)
We're lost!
(pic: Madhuri)
Route - approaching Izaak Walton hotel
(pic: Madhuri)
Pre-race carbo loading
(pic: Madhuri)
Glyn the night before
(pic: Madhuri)
Approach to the stepping stones
(pic: Madhuri)
The spectators wait at the stepping stones for the fun to begin
(pic: Madhuri)
The leaders at the stepping stones 1
(pic: Madhuri)
The leaders at the stepping stones 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Martin at the stepping stones
(pic: Madhuri)
Phil at the stepping stones
(pic: Madhuri)
Nigel at the stepping stones
(pic: Madhuri)
Better dead than alive
(pic: Madhuri)
The masses at the stepping stones 1
(pic: Madhuri)
The masses at the stepping stones 2
(pic: Madhuri)
The finish line
(pic: Madhuri)
The winner - Simon Bailey of Mercia Fell Runners
(pic: Madhuri)
Second finisher
(pic: Madhuri)
Fourth finisher
(pic: Madhuri)
Fifth finisher
(pic: Madhuri)
Sixth finisher (first at the stepping stones)
(pic: Madhuri)
A battle to the finish for 7th and 8th
(pic: Madhuri)
First female to finish - Blue Haywood, course record time
(pic: Madhuri)
Chris F 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Chris F 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Chris F 3
(pic: Madhuri)
John K 1
(pic: Madhuri)
John K 2
(pic: Madhuri)
John K 3
(pic: Madhuri)
Ian D 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Ian D 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Ian D 3
(pic: Madhuri)
Nick 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Nick 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Glyn 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Glyn 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Glyn 3
(pic: Madhuri)
Glyn 4
(pic: Madhuri)
Alex 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Alex 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Alex 3
(pic: Madhuri)
Gerald 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Gerald 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Gerald 3
(pic: Madhuri)
Tim 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Tim 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Chris B 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Chris B 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Chris B 3
(pic: Madhuri)
Becky 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Becky 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Becky 3
(pic: Madhuri)
Fiona 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Fiona 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Fiona 3
(pic: Madhuri)
Fiona 4
(pic: Madhuri)
Andy 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Andy 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Martin 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Martin 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Martin 3
(pic: Madhuri)
Martin 4
(pic: Madhuri)
Phil and Carol
(pic: Madhuri)
Phil 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Phil 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Phil 3
(pic: Madhuri)
Phil 4
(pic: Madhuri)
Club coach sums up the mood at the finish
(pic: Madhuri)
Mary 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Mary 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Mary 3
(pic: Madhuri)
Mary 4
(pic: Madhuri)
Mary 5
(pic: Madhuri)
Mary 6
(pic: Madhuri)
Mary 7
(pic: Madhuri)
Nigel 1
(pic: Madhuri)
Nigel 2
(pic: Madhuri)
Nigel 3
(pic: Madhuri)
Nigel 4
(pic: Madhuri)
Nigel 5
(pic: Madhuri)
Fancy dress
(pic: Madhuri)
The end
(pic: Madhuri)
(pic: Ian/Helen)
(pic: Ian/Helen)
(pic: Ian/Helen)
(pic: Ian/Helen)
(pic: Ian/Helen)
(pic: Ian/Helen)
(pic: Ian/Helen)
(pic: Ian/Helen)
(pic: Ian/Helen)
(pic: Ian/Helen)
(pic: Ian/Helen)
(pic: Ian/Helen)
(pic: Ian/Helen)