John Oakes and John Uff breaking stride for the local press, amateur photographers, and a sea of fans whilst receiving the prize for the best team - C&C! Alan Pritchard the other top performer out of the C&C athletes has yet to claim his prize - an evening's supply of booze. Hiccup.
(pic: Matthew Applegate)
Hog roast - just what the doctor ordered!
(pic: Matthew Applegate)
John Oakes and John Uff enjoying the post race festivities.
(pic: Matthew Applegate)
John Oakes receiving his trophy for winning the MV50 category.
(pic: Matthew Applegate)
(pic: CazP)
JohnO whizzing into view at the start
(pic: CazP)
John F sneaking into view
(pic: CazP)
Al, 2nd home for C&C after missing John O all together... too fast for me to even get to the finish in time!
(pic: CazP)
John Uff hot on his tail! Do we have another Shields/Brightwell battle on our hands!!
(pic: CazP)
Ooh the pain!
(pic: CazP)
Neil doing himself proud for C&C, and getting quicker boys, watch out!
(pic: CazP)
A smile, finally!! (although I did pick a rather mean place to shove a camera in everybodys face!)
(pic: CazP)
Matt after another great run. I like someone to look like they've worked hard!
(pic: CazP)
John F and Simon B after a close run race!
(pic: CazP)
Simon managing a bit of comedy for the side liner!!
(pic: CazP)
The sub 40's still streaming in, this time Andy W
(pic: CazP)
It's the lovely Katie S with another stonking performance and still smiling! 3rd FS, she's done it again!!
(pic: CazP)
Chris with a strong performance just 2 weeks after London.
(pic: CazP)
Helen running really strongly again... looks like the girls have it when it comes to mustering up a smile after a hard race! Take it all in our stride you see....
(pic: CazP)
Ha ha, caught him!! There is no escape from my camera dispite running a sub 35 min 10k to try and avoid it.
(pic: CazP)
Serious post race analysis, well, apart from Katie!
(pic: CazP)
Taz, another escapee on the finish line...
(pic: CazP)
More talk of wind and what ifs and water stations.
(pic: CazP)
I'll have you next time Pritchard...
(pic: CazP)
Team minus 2
(pic: CazP)
Here she is! Unfortunately Chris cannot be located so we are still -1. Formation again please!!
(pic: CazP)
Lovely, well done team!!!!
(pic: CazP)