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Pen y Fan Fell Race [Gallery Index]

Saturday 17th July 2010

Official Race Photos

[Pen y Fan Fell Race - C&C results]

Pen y Fan Summit on left, Corn Du on right
(pic: www.breconfans.org.uk)
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Barely running
(pic: Philippa Mail)
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Corn Du shortly before Pen y Fan summit. We came down the steep slope in the bottom left corner
(pic: www.breconfans.org.uk)
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Descent from summit
(pic: www.breconfans.org.uk)
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Runners streaming over the summit
(pic: www.breconfans.org.uk)
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Downhill now
(pic: www.breconfans.org.uk)
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Dave Mail leading a group down
(pic: www.breconfans.org.uk)
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Dave Mail illustrating the zigzag technique
(pic: www.breconfans.org.uk)
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Dave Mail carrying Fell Kit (coat, belt with compass, map, whistle & trousers)
(pic: www.breconfans.org.uk)
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Beautiful contrast of zigzag (centre 2 runners) and straight down (right hand runner) techniques
(pic: www.breconfans.org.uk)
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