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Thorney 5
Sunday 11th August 2013
David Barber

Well, that was certainly worth getting out of bed for on a Sunday morning. This was a really great event, very friendly and flat. Windy though on the back of this out-and-back course -- no surprise that Thorney seems to be another battleground for a new windfarm.

There were some truly cracking performances from C&C. We won so many prizes that I lost count. Sarah W won the prize for 4th female overall (and was first lady veteran 35) and Margaret won 1st lady veteran 55. The ladies also won the 1st team prize. Among the gents, Sullivan got 2nd and together with Jonathan and myself we won the 1st male prize (very proud to have been part of that!). The race also doubled as the 5 mile County Championship, open to members of Cambridgeshire AA-affiliated clubs (if you remembered to tick the appropriate box on the entry form!) Jonathan was 2nd Male overall and Sarah 2nd Female overall. Carmel won the LV35-45 prize while Margaret won the LV55-65 prize. There were also excellent performances from Gerald, Andy and Rachel.

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