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Lochaber Marathon
Sunday 10th April 2011
Dave Mail

The train journey wending its way between Glasgow and Fort William was eye-achingly beautiful with majestic views, sweeping curves, ascents and descents. The train engine sang its songs to us exerting itself to take its charges over the hills and viaducts. Many passengers (including myself) were gawping out of the windows and taking photographs (I even recorded a video!), That journey made the whole trip worthwhile, and the wilderness was like being transported to a different world to that of Cambridge, and after a 26 hour journey (including an overnight stay in Glasgow), I felt that I had really earned the right to race, rather than just turning up at a race, running and going straight home again.
Who wants to travel by car or aeroplane when such wonderful alternatives are available! An expedition which gave much more meaning to the race.

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