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Anglian Schools Cross Country
Saturday 6th February 2010
Christof Schwiening

I have posted some of the results from the Anglian Schools Cross Country - I have pulled out names I recognize, maybe someone else could look through and pull out the rest?
The day was misty and cold (again!). Hinchingbrooke was suitably wet and muddy - almost the perfect set-up for a cross country event. It was a team event with the best runners from Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Suffolk and Norfolk competing against each other. It was a very strong field of runners, taking from a large portion of the East of England. We had lots of very high quality performances amongst our athletes. John Moores from NVH took an excellent set of pictures that are here: http://jm1photography.zenfolio.com/p367223814

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