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 Cambridge Boundary Run
Cambridge, Saturday 12th March 2022 - 26.2 miles.

Web: cuhh.soc.srcf.net

2nd   Rob Mahen   2:59:50              -
3rd   Daniel Sexton   3:08:11              -
6th   Charlie Wartnaby   3:10:45              (73.20%)
7th   Martin Sewell   3:12:18              (73.25%)
20th   Jon Anderson   3:26:37              (70.70%)
31st   John Ferguson   3:37:18              (67.85%)
167th   Becky Wilburn   6:24:19              (40.56%)
  Half marathon - 13.1 miles.
47th   Wing Wong   1:57:20              -
49th   Tim Long   1:57:34              (61.86%)
62nd   Anne Schumann   2:06:50              (64.53%)


Results aren't listed by club, so I just added the few people I remember being there -- do add yourselves, or anyone else you know ran! --CharlieW

Not accurately measured. The marathon always seems to come up a bit short, even though they got us to do a little extra bit this year.
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