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 C&C team event Frostbite League - March AC
March, Cambs, Sunday 14th January 2018 - 5 miles, 449 finishers; 260 male, 187 female.
Winner: 26:57 M, 28:40 F.

Web: www.frostbiteleague.org.uk

3rd   Matt Fox   28:00       3rd M       -
6th   George Schwiening   28:40       1st F       (84.42%)
88th   Sarah Abramson   33:58       10th F       (74.32%)
95th   Jonathan Griffiths   34:06       82nd M       (71.74%)
122nd   Christof Schwiening   35:14       105th M       (68.85%)
126th   Peter Bennet   35:19       109th M       (69.84%)
137th   Ian Richardson   35:37       118th M       (69.26%)
161st   Charlie Ritchie   36:39       134th M       (72.79%)
171st   Gerald Meah   36:54       142nd M       (71.01%)
186th   Mike Brentnall   37:27       154th M       (74.61%)
200th   Tom Gibson   38:01       165th M       -
210th   Karen Cameron   38:27       38th F       (73.79%)
217th   Martyn Brearley   38:41       178th M       -
218th   Alex Downie   38:42       179th M       (73.62%)
220th   Glyn Smith   38:47       181st M       (76.13%)
240th   Andy Irvine   39:48       192nd M       (60.46%)
243rd   Amanda Lasseter   40:00       48th F       (70.93%)
274th   Kerion Hunt   41:13       210th M       -
275th   Tim Long   41:18       211th M       (62.34%)
300th   Carmel McEniery   42:45       76th F       (61.09%)
303rd   Alex Geoghegan   42:50       78th F       (59.86%)
309th   Diana Braverman   43:15       82nd F       (79.90%)
331st   Neil Costello   45:08       231st M       (63.82%)
404th   Sue Brentnall   51:24       150th F       (55.92%)
419th   Karen Richardson   54:14       161st F       (52.32%)
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