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 C&C team event Frostbite League - March AC
Whitemoor Prison, March, Cambs, Sunday 13th January 2013 - 5 miles, 421 finishers; 263 male, 158 female.
Winner: 26:05 M, 31:16 F.

Web: www.frostbiteleague.org.uk

1st   Duncan Coombs   26:05       1st M       -
16th   John Oakes   29:06       16th M       (86.21%)
59th   Stewart Bond   31:43       58th M       (67.42%)
76th   Andy Howard   32:25       75th M       -
90th   Charlie Ritchie   33:06       88th M       (77.11%)
98th   Paul Rudin   33:25       95th M       (70.28%)
107th   Martyn Brearley   33:42       104th M       -
111th   Stacy Wheat   33:52       4th F       (71.46%)
112th   Adam Poole   33:53       108th M       (65.66%)
113th   Ben Chamberlain   33:53       109th M       (63.00%)
131st   Chris Hurcomb   34:57       126th M       (64.62%)
146th   Gerald Meah   35:24       136th M       (70.87%)
150th   Alex Downie   35:35       139th M       (76.35%)
170th   Andy Irvine   36:04       154th M       (64.10%)
171st   Glyn Smith   36:06       155th M       (77.40%)
177th   Clare Garvey   36:21       18th F       (69.97%)
247th   Alex Geoghegan   39:16       43rd F       (63.09%)
252nd   Carmel McEniery   39:33       46th F       (63.39%)
280th   Csilla Kosztolanyi   41:06       60th F       -
281st   Liz O'Donovan   41:08       61st F       -
337th   Jen Richardson   44:15       99th F       (55.26%)
352nd   Becky Wilburn   45:42       110th F       (54.52%)
383rd   Dan Bayles   49:25       253rd M       (43.88%)
395th   Pauline Blake   50:57       137th F       (59.49%)
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