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 Major race Stamford St Valentine's 30K
Stamford, Lincs, Sunday 13th February 2011 - 30 km (accurate), 619 finishers.
Winner: 1:39:09 M, 1:53:50 F.

Web: www.stamfordstriders.co.uk

95th   Ishmail Badr   2:12:20   2:12:02           67.86%
124th   Andrew Shields   2:16:03   2:15:20           67.31%
125th   Simon Brightwell   2:16:06   2:15:23           67.84%
172nd   Andy Allsopp   2:21:39   2:21:13           62.01%
178th   Adam Poole   2:22:26   2:22:08           60.91%
189th   Dave Yeneralski   2:23:10   2:22:54           63.21%
197th   Katie Samuelson   2:23:40   2:23:30           66.54%
245th   Christof Schwiening   2:27:20   2:27:01           61.44%
254th   Tony Tarrant   2:28:06   2:27:35           -
347th   Maria Brightwell   2:37:45   2:37:13           68.20%
348th   Andrea Martinelli   2:37:57   2:37:24           -
387th   Andy Irvine   2:44:03   2:43:43           54.72%
388th   Carmel McEniery   2:44:03   2:43:43           59.75%
452nd   Mike Difranco   2:51:30   2:50:58           -
520th   Iona Graham Hagg   3:03:01   3:02:18           58.82%
555th   Deborah Carter   3:10:13   3:09:38           53.90%
Chip times in italic
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