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 Girton 5K
Girton, Cambridge, Thursday 22nd July 2010 - 5 km, 172 finishers.
Winner: 16:34 M, 18:37 F.

Web: www.girton5k.org.uk

3rd   Al Pritchard   17:27          1st  M35  (76.93%)
6th   Jonathan Escalante-Phillips   17:39          1st  MU18  (74.14%)
7th   David Harrison   17:43              (73.28%)
8th   Alessandro Coianiz   17:48          2nd  M40  (79.26%)
14th   Colin Weller   18:11              -
16th   George Schwiening   18:37       1st F   1st  FU18  (83.24%)
22nd   John Kazer   19:13              (69.85%)
29th   Caz Wright   20:11       3rd F       (73.67%)
34th   Christof Schwiening   20:34              (68.10%)
43rd   Paul Dewison   21:24          2nd  M55  (72.82%)
48th   Alex Downie   21:37          1st  M60  (74.48%)
60th   Carol Stanier   22:42     PB  11th F       (65.50%)
61st   Rebecca Parsons   22:48       12th F       (64.93%)
79th   Fiona Downie   24:12       18th F   2nd  F45  (66.00%)
98th   Iona Graham Hagg   25:02       26th F   3rd  F45  (65.18%)
104th   Nataliya Yufa   25:25       28th F       -

[Alex Downie's report]
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