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 Cambs Road Race League Ramsey Abbey 10K
Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, Sunday 14th June 2009 - 10 km, 368 finishers.
Winner: 34:18 M, 39:59 F.

Web: www.ramseyroadrunners.org.uk

3rd   Michael Salt   35:12              (77.28%)
4th   Noel Carroll   35:27              (75.36%)
6th   Alessandro Coianiz   36:13              (78.34%)
7th   Bob Watson   36:18              (81.39%)
9th   Al Pritchard   36:30              (74.17%)
23rd   Chris Flood   38:27              -
41st   Giulio Cinque   40:31              (73.53%)
103rd   Martin Kreetzer   44:23              (69.44%)
104th   Chris Brown   44:24              (65.46%)
112th   Katie Samuelson   45:10              (67.23%)
206th   Alan Baldock   51:00              -
213th   Julie Pashley   51:18              (59.40%)
296th   Deborah Carter   57:50              (54.71%)
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