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 Eastern Vets 5 mile
Reach, Cambs, Sunday 4th June 2006 - 5 miles (accurate), 62 finishers.

Web: homepage.ntlworld.com/...

8th   Leon Stone   31:01          2nd  MV45  76.33%
11th   Dave Abbott   31:23            MV45  74.25%
18th   John Jenkins   31:52            MV55  81.50%
20th   Mark Chaplin   32:00            MV45  -
31st   Glyn Smith   33:44          3rd  MV60  77.68%
34th   Paul Dewison   34:56            MV50  70.61%
41st   Gerald Meah   36:36            MV45  64.68%
46th   Phil Lee   37:34            MV55  -
50th   Sue Barnett   39:50          1st  FV55  -
53rd   Diana Braverman   41:05          2nd  FV50  70.88%
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