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Monday Training

[b]Monday night running group session plan from 17/6/24 to 23/12/24]

Training at club for the Monday night group please arrive ready to run at 6.30pm, we will start prompt at 6.45 pm, meet outside the clubhouse or in the foyer if it is cold.

17/6/24 - speed ladder - West site lake

24/6/24 - Fartleck - West Site/Coton footpath

1/7/24 - Hill session - observatory drive.

8/7/24 - Zig Zag intervals to include lake - West site

15/7/24 - 1km time trial followed by 1km intervals - start lamp post 15

22/7/24 - Fartleck - West Site/Coton footpat

29/7/24 - Speed ladder - West site

5/8/24 - Hill interval session - West site

12/8/24 - Pace change intervals - start at the lake West site

19/8/24 - 3 min intervals - West site

26/8/24 - BH NO Session

2/9/24 - Tempo x 20 mins

9/9/24 - speed ladder - West site lake

16//24 -1km time trial followed by 1km intervals - start lamp post 15

23/9/24 - Fartleck - West Site/Coton footpath

30/9/24 - Obstacle intervals - West site

7/10/24 - 3 min intervals - West site

14/10/24 - Split Tempo 8 min and 12 min (2 min recovery in middle) - West Site

21/10/24 - Hill interval session - West site

28/10/24 - Pace change intervals - start at the lake West site

4/11/24 - Speed ladder - West site

11/11/24 - Paulauf - West site

18/11/24 - Zig Zag Intervals

25/11/24 - 1km time trial followed by 1km intervals - start lamp post 15

2/12/24 - Tempo x 20 mins

9/12/24 - Obstacle intervals - West site

16/12/24 - Fartlek - West site

23/12/24 - No SESSION

Any questions please speak to Fiona, Alex,Tim or Carmel

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