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C&C Social News

NOTE! Out of date!

C&C Endurance Runners have a variety of social events, where we can get to know each other, encourage each other and make friends.

Social Tuesdays!
We're hoping to start some informal pub evenings after our Tuesday sessions. If you fancy a drink, snack and a matter, show your interest here and we'll pick a venue!

Club Night

On the first Tuesday of every month is club night. We normally meet in the bar at the Track Clubhouse, or else in a local pub. Often a guest speaker is arranged, discussing subjects like Marathon Training, Track and Field participation or Physio Therapy.
Everyone is welcome, whether or not they trained beforehand!

Dates for the next couple of months are are:

3rd May - Marathon celebraton Evening
Future possibilities: osteopathy

Occasionally the dates may be moved due to clashes with other events.

After race get togethers

We often get together after major local races, such as the Cambridge Half Marathon, or the Kevin Henry events, in a local pub for a post mortem and natter. Watch the news page for details.

Trips away

Throughout the year groups go way together for various races and events. Here is a selection of those which have taken place or are planned in 2015:

Barcelona Half Marathon (February 14th 2016)
- Contact Chris Hurcomb for details of next year's trip.

Billy Bland challenge Fell running in the Lake District (25th June 2016, plus recces/training on 25-28th March, 23/24th April, and 4th/5th May.)
- Contact Scott White (email scott@redcountry.net) if you are interested in joining the group in 2016.

London Marathon Spectating and post race drinks. (24th April 2016)

Endure 24 - 24 hour relay race (June 11th-12th 2016) Jen Richardson and Nev Hawkins have organised teams. History shows we might need a reserve or two though. (in fact one space is still vacant.)

Thunder Run - 24 hour relay race (July 23rd-24th 2016) Chris Hurcomb and Jen Richardson have organised teams. Reserves are needed though! (in fact one space is still vacant.)

Race The Train - In west Wales (August 20th 2016)
- contact Rich Lyle (richard@richardlyle.org) if you would like to get a group together for this.

Frankfurt Marathon (October 30th 2016) or Munich Marathon (October 9th 2016)
- Contact Bernie Shannon or Chris Hurcomb

Dovedale Dash (November 4th-6th) - Hill training in the Peak District, with the Dash on the Sunday morning.
- Contact Nev Hawkins

Christmas Party

The Christmas Party 2016 this year will be held at the Anglia Ruskin University on Friday 2nd December. We thought something different this time, so we are having a Ceilidh! Do come along. Anyone who has been to a Ceilidh has testified how much fun they are. It's open to all C&C members over 18, and their guests.

Other Events

If anyone has any requests for other social events, whether a pub they want to share with everyone, or Shakespeare In The Park, or a Movie Night, or whatever, then let me know (neville@highfieldhouse.org, or in the facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/candcendurance/) and we can try and arrange something.

All the best, Nev.

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