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About runcambridge.org.uk
About this site

This is YOUR site! *
* - actually, it's mine, so I have the last word on everything, but you know what I mean!

It is NOT an official C&C site. For the official site, go to cambridgeandcoleridge.org.uk

This site is intended to provide information to members of Cambridge & Coleridge AC and to encourage sporting and social cohesion within the club, in a way that is not currently provided by the official club outlets. It is NOT, and has never been, a road running or endurance site, and any bias is purely due to the interests of the individual contributors. If you want more depth of coverage in your area of interest, get involved!

The principle of this site is that all club members will be able (and strongly encouraged!) to contribute to the content. All you will need is to have registered and been approved by an administrator as a genuine club member, and you will be able to submit content such as news items, race results, photographs and so on.

This website does not represent the views of Cambridge & Coleridge Athletics Club.


Registered users will be able to access features of the site not visible to the general public. In the interests of privacy, you may only become a member if I believe you to be a current member of Cambridge & Coleridge AC (I do not have access to the membership database, but I probably know you). To become a member of this website, follow the link at top right, or click here. You will then be approved (or rejected) as soon as it is practical to do so.


Information about your race performances (which are public domain) and photographs of you (which are typically not) may be stored on this website. If you would prefer this not to be the case, please get in touch and I will remove them. The same applies if you have any other privacy concerns.

This site uses cookies to identify logged-in users only; no information is stored regarding users' browsing or search history or other such information, and personal information is never, and will never be, passed on for any other use.


Please click here if you have any queries, complaints or suggestions about this website.

Andy Irvine

All content © runcambridge.org.uk and individual contributors 2006-2025 unless stated, and must not be reproduced.
Views on this site are those of the individual contributors only.
No responsibility is taken for the accuracy of any information provided.
For official C&C information, visit the Cambridge and Coleridge Athletic Club official site.