Monday Night Group Update 15/8/20
Hello Monday night runners. Training at club for the Monday night group remains temporarily suspended because of the restrictions placed on group running during the Covid-19 pandemic. We will review the situation at the end off September 2020 and update here. In the interim there are the following options: sign up to any of the C&C Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday sessions there is a pre-booking system only 5 per group, some sessions meet away from Wilberforce road (see C&C website for booking into these sessions); see the Tuesday night C&C virtual session available via the C&C Endurance Runners FB page; sign up to the Eddington Run For Your Life 7pm Thursday night sessions (Alex and I are running parallel groups of 5 runners every Thursday evening), to sign up google Run For Your Life Eddington Cambridge - again there is a pre-booking system for this; or run your own training session with some of the ideas on the Monday night training page here. We hope to see some of you soon. Keep safe and well.