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March 2020

Monday night sessions
Hello Monday night runners. As you know all C and C sessions are cancelled. Over the next few days I plan to put some detail next to the sessions so that you can adapt for your own training if you so wish. This way you may be able to keep up your fitness. Sessions updated to facilitate solo running, with some extra challenges in there. I will also post these on the C&C Endurance Runners FB page - you may want to join this group then you can comment on how your training session went, post times, ask for advice and just generally keep in touch with each other. For those of you interested in joining the Eddington group on a Thursday night this too will not be running. However, if you join the Run for Your Life group officially, and then specifically the Eddington group there will also be posted virtual sessions on the Edd RFYL WhatsApp group. If you as the Monday night group would like a WhatsApp group setting up so we can post our training runs and keep in touch as a virtual group please email Fiona and Alex at flex50@icloud.com with your mobile number.
Take care, stay safe, keep running (but not in groups as this is not advised) and we look forward to seeing you all when we get back to normal.
Fiona, Alex, Carmel, Tim & Nev
[Alex Downie, Wed 18/03/20] [comments (0)]
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