November 2017
GCAN Talk: Cross Country & Hill Reps
An insight into cross country racing by coach Mark Vile, including how to prepare for cross country, improving your performance, and how cross country can benefit your whole running. This talk will also cover hill training, how to use these sessions for effective improvements to your running, with session ideas.
Weds 22nd November, 7-9pm
Anglia Ruskin University, Young Street Building (just off East Road).
Free to C&C members.
More details can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cross-country-hill-training-tickets-39352193470
Christmas Party
The Christmas Party is on the 15th December at the ARU Academy Room. Salsa lessons, food and fun available! Tickets at £20 from the C&C Website. All club members welcome.