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May 2014

Kevin Henry 5km Series - Race 2
Thursday 5 June 2014 is the second race of five in the Kevin Henry 5km Series. It will hosted by Newmarket Joggers at The Rowley Mile, starting at 7:30pm. Directions are at the bottom of this item. If it is dry, or even slightly damp it is a loose, all weather horse race track type surface, so road shoes are fine; but not your best if it is wet as they will be orange when you have finished! We are currently equal first with CTC, so we need as many of you to turn out as possible. Remember, everyone scores a point for the club. All you need do is bring your club vest (and wear it). When you finish, you will be handed a raffle ticket with your place. Please give this to the scorers to register at the end, it is not a momento to take home! If there is anyone out there on the injury bench and can help score, please drop me an email on chris@hirky.wanadoo.co.uk. See you there ......
[Chris Hurcomb, Fri 30/05/14] [comments (0)]

Flying Fox Marathon
While Darren was running silly miles in Yorkshire, I opted for a short fun run ;-)

Organised by the Stone Master Marathoners club, the Flying Fox marathon was a one-off event, held to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the last regular running of the event back in 1994. Everything about the event, from the marshals to the feed stations, from the goodie bag to the medal, from race HQ to the supporters around the course, was impeccable, and I really hope this event reappears again before another 20 years go by, because it was an absolute gem, one of the best marathons I have ever had the pleasure to take part in (and I've done a fair few...).
The course itself was run through narrow country lanes set in seemingly endless green countryside studded with an occasional pretty village, and a distinct lack of anything that could be called flat! After running the first 9 miles together with a local lady at the front of the ladies race, she pulled away from me for a few miles to gain a lead of 3-4 minutes at 20 miles (I blame all the local support she had!). Fortunately, my ultra legs finally shook off the post-Windermere heaviness and got going towards the end of the race and I retook the lead just before the 25 mile marker to take the victory.
[Ultra Katie, Wed 28/05/14] [comments (4)]

Hardmoors 110
No, the title isn't a typo, this really is a 110 mile race, held over the Spring Bank Holiday. The clue is in the name. It's across rough open ground and it's HARD. Completing the trek around the North Yorkshire Moors and along the Cleveland Heritage coastline from Helmsley to Filey is an outstanding achievement for even the toughest ultrarunner, and one I simply cannot comprehend. Darren, however, battled it out to get to the finish line in a mere 32:28:55, taking the 'Shire' trophy in the process. I'll let him explain more when he recovers enough to write a proper report of his experiences...
[Ultra Katie, Wed 28/05/14] [comments (4)]

Belated Marathon News
10 days ago Darren and I headed northwards for our annual pilgrimage to the largest lake in England, which by happy coincidence is just over 26 miles if you run all the way around it...

Despite the undulating course and hot conditions, Darren completed his circumnavigation less than 2 minutes outside his PB, a fantastic run on his favourite road marathon course. I added a more sedate 12 minutes to my London time, but still managed to take home a nice tin of Grasmere gingerbread for first F35. And on the post-injury comeback trail, running incognito rather than in C&C colours at the moment, Melanie Staley ran an amazing 3:20 for a top 10 ladies place despite only 7 weeks of training!
[Ultra Katie, Wed 28/05/14] [comments (0)]

Hatfield Broad Oak 10k - the ladies do it again
A merry band of C&C'ers made their way over to Hatfield Broad Oak for this very popular and buzzing 10k. The standard was high with the winner finishing in a tad over 31 minutes. The weather forecast wasn't great, but we were greeted with sun, a slight breeze and a good temperature. Leading the way for the blue and whites was Graham with a strong sub 36. Alistair, Tim (equal!), Holly, Hazel and Vic all achieved PB's and Richard a "comeback" PB. After a tough battle for third, Claire was first C&C lady home in 4th, backed up by other strong performances from Carrie, Nicola (1st FV45) and Sarah, which gave the C&C ladies the team win - congratulations! Great to see Simon back in the 50's as he is coming back from a few niggles. A great event and supportive local crowds. Lunch was enjoyed by all, then the wind picked up and the rain came, so the cycle back wasn't as much fun!
[Chris Hurcomb, Wed 28/05/14] [comments (1)]

Tour of the Derwent Valley
The Tour of the Derwent Valley, four mainly (very) hilly races in four days in Derbyshire, was a regular C&C trip for several years. Much water has flowed down the Derwent since the last one, so a nostalgic gang of old fogeys hauled themselves out of their bath chairs for another go, defying age, injury and gravity with varying degrees of success. A proper report will follow, and hopefully some pics too, but results are in...
[Andy Irvine, Tue 27/05/14] [comments (0)]

Liverpool Marathon
There were a couple of cracking performances at the Liverpool Marathon on Sunday - a superb 3:42 PB from Paula Kessler and a rather rapid 3:04 from Neil White. For the full experience, have a read of Neil's excellent report.
Results (2)  Report: Neil W
[Andy Irvine, Tue 27/05/14] [comments (7)]

HaverHalf and Haver10k
Another belated set of congratulations to bestow. This one flew under my radar, despite being put on by our mates down the A1307, but enormous back-slapping to our small squad who took on the two races in Haverhill; Matt Slater won the Half Marathon in 1:21:30 - there was a nice run from Diana Braverman in that one too - and Carrie Bedingfield won the 10k in 42:09. Yay!
[Andy Irvine, Fri 23/05/14] [comments (2)]

Sawston Fun Run
I have just heard that Nicki Savill won the Sawston Fun Run! A few other C&Cers also appear on the category 'results' sheet: Jon Anderson with a first and second places for Paula Kessler and Vicki Green. Well done!
[Christof Schwiening, Fri 23/05/14] [comments (1)]

National 100k race
A few weeks ago Katie (the title will give a clue which one!) and I headed off to the National 100k race, Katie to race it hard while, I was using it as a training event for longer events later in the year. This event combines as one the National 100k open race, the Anglo-Celtic plate (100k competition between English, Welsh, Scottish & Irish teams), UK Ultra 50k championships and the National 50k open race. Oh, and the GB 100k trials. Needless to say there were a lot of very fit looking people there.

The event moves around the home nations and this year was hosted on the Cyclopark in Kent. This is an undulating tarmac bike circuit, a fraction over 2k in length, and has to be circumnavigated 48 times in the 100k.

Katie and I ran pretty much together, along with some other people, through to about 20 miles and then everyone seemed to zone out and do their own thing. We both went through the marathon distance in just over 3:30 at which point I decided that it was taking too much out of my legs given plans later in the month and to pull out at 31 miles and take a 50k medal instead. It also meant I could become Katie's support crew for the second 50k, interpreting her grunts, handing out drinks and food as required, and providing motivational support (varying between positive encouragement and telling her that "of course it hurts, it's 100k, and to 'man up'".)

Katie was still going strong and was soon through 50k in an impressive 4:14. In the early laps she had been passed a few times by other women but as everyone else began to slow and suffer she kept the pace steady and was holding her own, and starting to pull laps back from those ahead of her. With 10 laps to go she was one of the strongest looking runners on the course, and unlike many not needing to take walk breaks. Her pace had only dropped by about a minute a lap over the course of the event.

Suddenly, after a speedy last lap, she was approaching the finish line for the final time. She crossed the line in 8:41:01 having run 4:27 for the second 50k, smashing her 9 hour target, and 5th placed women. Absolutely fantastic result.

Katie's time put her ahead of half the English women's team, as well as beating some of the Welsh girls and all the Scots (the Irish didn't turn up). She also clocked up the 28th all-time fastest time by an English woman on a road 100k, bettered the English 100k team's qualifying standard, and wasn't too far off the GB standard.

From my point of view the event was good training, I ran my 5th fastest marathon on the marathon split, and I was happy to pull out at 50k (and still get some amazing bling for a 50k medal) and help Katie's effort by crewing. Roads ultras really aren't my thing - I'll stick to trail and fell - but the chance to take part, running alongside some amazing runners, and especially watching Steve Way set a men's national record was a great experience. The camaraderie, mutual respect and support for each other in the ultra running scene is always uplifting; I have a feeling we may both be back next year, and with the possibility that one of us will be sporting England vest.

Details of the race are at http://www.national100k.com/ if anyone wants to know more. The 50k is a good step up to ultras for seasoned marathoners...
[Darren Gillman, Thu 22/05/14] [comments (6)]

Ross Peers (Soham) HM
On the hottest day of the year, 7 brave C&C'ers went out in the mid day sun to run around the Cambridgeshire countryside. First back was Jon Anderson with a very respectable 1.30, however the personal performance of the day came from Victoria Coe who smashed her PB with a 1.40 finish and was the 5th lady home. It was a great team effort with help all the way round from Chris Poole (1.41) and for the last couple of miles from Chris Newell (1.40). I struggled in at 1.46, too much time spent in various bars around Europe over the last 4 weeks and not enough time at the club, good fun but not ideal training for a HM in the heat. Next over the line was Mike Defranco finishing exactly on the time he wanted at 1.59. Unfortunately Karin Jordansen pulled out after a couple of miles due to hayfever & understand it's particularly bad at the moment. Huge thanks to Stacy Wheat who had to pull out and still supported us on the day.
PS I wish I had used suncream! A C&C vest is little protection against a beating sun.
[Bernard Shannon, Tue 20/05/14] [comments (3)]

Eye 10K
It looks like our squad of eight who went to the ever-excellent Eye 10K are shy of blowing their own trumpets, but I feel an entire brass section should be invoked in respect of Sunday's efforts. The biggest fanfare goes to Claire Somerton, who will need to buy some more polish for her extensive silverware after winning the race in a rather sharp 39:49. Graeme Kennedy was our quickest chap, 38:13 for 23rd place, and Stewart Bond, Giulio Cinque, Iona Graham Hagg, Alan Baldock, Mary Jennings and Dan Bayles all had enough puff for a rousing crescendo... I'm thinking I should have gone with the far easier 'Eye' puns instead.
Well done all.
[Andy Irvine, Wed 14/05/14] [comments (2)]

Kevin Henry 5k series - Race 1
59 C&C'ers turned out for the first Kevin Henry 5k race of the series at Impington. The ladies topped the table with a cracking 1 and 2 from George and Claire, backed up by the other 17 ladies. The men came in second with some strong scoring from the top guys. However, CTC claimed first place and the challenge is looking serious. So, after the first race we are tied in first on 11 points with CTC. It was their home event, so we need to have a great turnout for the rest of the season to step up to the challenge. Look forward to seeing you all again in Newmarket in June.
[Chris Hurcomb, Tue 13/05/14] [comments (0)]

Halstead & Essex Marathon
More marathon tales from the hard-working Christof - see his report for news of a personal worst (with a good excuse!).
[Andy Irvine, Mon 12/05/14] [comments (4)]

ECF Monster Mojo Triathlon
Triathlon excellence from Ben Baldelli at Peterborough Rowing Lake - a big race victory (and corresponding rich prize!) after a four-hours-twelve epic which saw Ben finish five minutes clear of the competition. Impressive!
[Andy Irvine, Mon 12/05/14] [comments (3)]

Impington 5K
This is a lovely little race, typically villagey in the nicest way, and allows an almost-preview of Thursday's Kevin Henry course. Very nearly a C&C domestic double here - David Barber, second finisher in 18:24 (and first Vet) couldn't quite match Silvia Chiappa, who won the women's race outright. Congratulations you two. Mike Salter and Chris Johnson both top-fived and sub-nineteened, and there was another cracking run from Margaret Phillips. Check the results for all the other general C&C excellence.
[Andy Irvine, Thu 08/05/14] [comments (3)]

Marathon News
Time for a round-up of our latest marathon heroes, I think.
First up, Christof Schwiening's 3:14 at Hannover - for the full experience, have a look at Christof's report. Well done again, Christof - prolific marathoning and quick times are extremely hard to combine.
Next tale of heroism - Kyiv City Marathon. I think I would have watched the news and bottled it, but Steven Broad is made of sterner stuff, so well done Steven on your 4:06 - would love to hear more about it!
There's war-torn Ukraine and then there's Milton Keynes... I shall resist gratuitousness and instead congratulate Neil Tween on his 3:45 on what was a pretty sweltering bank holiday. Impressive!
Results (1)  Report: Neil T
[Andy Irvine, Thu 08/05/14] [comments (5)]

Weekend 10K Bonanza
There were two highly-rated 10Ks on last weekend; the Grand East Anglian Run (GEAR) up at King's Lynn and the Fen Drayton 10K. We sent enormous squads to both and came away with suitably epic results.
The GEAR is a high-class race on a renowned PB course, and lightning speed was the theme - no fewer than six C&C sub-forties obtained. Ellen Leggate's phenomenal 37:53 perhaps edged it as the most awesome C&C performance (how can six females beat that in one day?), but Jack Bowden's brilliant 33:01 PB for eleventh place has a pretty good shout too. Chasing Jack in, and also smashing 35 minutes, was a pack of three C&C stars - Ben Baldelli (34:25), Istvan Jacso (a 34:24 PB) and Geoff Weller (34:27), with another PB seeing David Barber home in 37:44. The PBs keep coming too - well done Charlie Ritchie (42:36), Silvia Chiappa (45:28) and Margaret Phillips (46:51). Glyn Smith's 44:22 was a recent best by a good margin, and Sarah Boneham (44:51) and Gerald Meah (47:20) did themselves proud too. Impossible not to mention everyone on a day like that!
The Fen Drayton 10K is a far more relaxed affair, a kind of lovely village fête day with beer for the adults and rides and face-painting for the kids, but with multi-terrain racing for all (if you survived Thursday evening). More modest times on a flat-but-tricky course, but fine running throughout nonetheless. First C&C was Jon Anderson in 39:48 for eighth place, but our main glories came in the women's race, where Carrie Bedingfield-Hall took second place with a 42:17, beating Nicola McBride's third-place 42:52 and, just off the podium, Emma Buckland (43:31). In the interests of brevity, you are invited to browse the 28 C&C results at your leisure, but particular congrats to Craig Cooke and Jen Richardson on their brand-new PBs. Much like on Sunday, I am worn out and off for some nosh. Well done everyone who raced.
[Andy Irvine, Thu 08/05/14] [comments (1)]

Tulip 10K
Some blooming good news from the capital of British tunicate bulbous horticulture, Spalding, where the local perennials were defeated in last Sunday's Tulip 10K by our own Tom Stevens. Tom's winning time was 33:05. Bouquets all round.
[Andy Irvine, Sat 03/05/14] [comments (2)]

Club Night Social Tuesday 6th May
Do come to Club Night this coming Tuesday in the clubhouse bar after training. As the evenings extend what better way to watch the sun descend than in the company of your C&C club mates; refreshments available for all palates and age groups. And somebody mentioned cake....
[charlie, Thu 01/05/14] [comments (2)]
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