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December 2012

Buntingford Year End 10 mile race
Great event today, with some good performances from C&C. Al Pritchard 12th, 11th male and Clare Garvey 137th, 27th Female. I have entered the provisional results for C&C.
[AndyU, Sun 30/12/12] [comments (0)]

Cambridgeshire County Cross Country Championships
We had a great turnout today at Priory Park, St. Neots with lots of juniors and seniors taking home individual and team awards.

Thank you for supporting your club either by running, coaching, volunteering to assist with the Championship and/or supporting your family and friends. Full results will be posted on the official club website asap. Click here.

If you were unable to run for reasons other than unanticipated injury, illness or compassionate grounds you will be asked by the club to repay your entry fee: £2.50 (U20, seniors & veterans) £2.00 (U17 & under).
[Helen, Fri 28/12/12] [comments (4)]

Parkrun 31st December?
Does anyone know if the 31st Dec Parkrun event in the diary is really happening? There doesn't appear to be any official info on the Parkrun website. Those of us who weren't fortunate enough to get hold of an Ely 10K place are keen to record our best ever Parkrun finish positions ;-)
[David Barber, Wed 26/12/12] [comments (6)]

C&C Boxing Day Run
Sixty-five C&Cers, friends and relatives put down their forks for an hour or so to battle for the honours in our annual four-miler from Lammas Land to Trumpington and back. Best able to cope with the demands of the festive season was superstar triathlete Will Clarke, guesting these days, whose 19:39 won the day by almost a third of a mile. Crikey! Our current elites were headed by the excellent Will Mycroft, with Jonathan Escalante-Phillips rounding out the podium places, and Al Pritchard and John Baslington close behind. First female was under-fifteen star Alice Newcombe, clocking 24:42. Carla Brown gave her a real battle, and in-form Clare Garvey took a fine third place.
There were numerous other fine performances to defy the universal gluttony, so check out the full results for details, and look out for the photos when published.
[Andy Irvine, Wed 26/12/12] [comments (0)]

Hereward Relay / English National XC Championships
As you are probably aware the Hereward Relay had to be postponed to Sunday 24th February. Cross country runners, please note that the English National Cross Country Championships (at Herrington Park, Sunderland) are on Saturday 23rd February. If you have requested a club paid entry for the National Cross Country Championships but now realise you will be unable to run because you are already committed to the Relay, please contact Helen ASAP to withdraw your club paid entry request. If you don't you will be changed £7.00 by the the club as stated on the electronic entry request form. The National Cross Country Championships will be submitted on Friday 28th December.

Thank you and have a Merry Christmas
[Helen, Mon 24/12/12] [comments (0)]

English National Cross Country Championship
Anyone wishing to request a club paid entry to this event in Sunderland on Saturday 23rd February must submit an electronic entry request form by Friday 21st December. Click here. Full details about the event can be found here.
[Helen, Mon 17/12/12] [comments (0)]

Cross Country News
The race reports and results from all three events held last weekend can be found here.
[Helen, Mon 17/12/12] [comments (0)]

Dressing up for the Hunts AC Frostbite
Hope everyone who's doing the Frostbite tomorrow is going to dress up all 'Christmasy' with me. If not I'm just going to look really stupid!
[Becky Wilburn, Sat 15/12/12] [comments (1)]

Hinchingbrooke Park Frostbite, 16 December, 11:00am
It's the Huntingdon round of the Frostbite series tomorrow. I have a couple of requests.

First, I've had a couple of requests for spare vests from ladies who haven't yet received theirs. If you are not going to run or you have a spare ladies' vest, please let me know.

Second, I'd quite like to run tomorrow. If you're injured or don't want to run but are going to be there anyway, please think about helping me out by collecting the numbers from runners as they finish.

Finally, note that there is limited parking available at Hinchingbrooke Country Park. We have received advice to park instead in Hinchingbrooke Business Estate (off the A14 at the Spittals interchange and first left by the hotel; postcode for sat-nag is PE29 6FL). Parking at the Country Park is limited and once the car parks are full it's quite a trek to drive back round to the Business Estate so
it's much better to go directly there.
[RichHL, Sat 15/12/12] [comments (0)]

London Draw Latest
Lucky winners of the club places for the London Marathon, as drawn tonight at the Christmas Party are....
Paul Jones
Amanda Lasseter
Mike DiFranco
Paula Kessler
Chris Hurcomb
Well done all - hard luck if you missed out.
[Andy Irvine, Sat 08/12/12] [comments (1)]
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