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September 2010

Berlin Pics
Take a look at Katie's pics from the Berlin Marathon weekend in the gallery.
[Andy Irvine, Wed 29/09/10] [comments (0)]

Well worth a mention: Jonathan Escalante-Phillips's win in 17:11 at last weekend's Cambridge parkrun. Quality!
[Andy Irvine, Wed 29/09/10] [comments (3)]

Tahoe Triple
There was a very small C&C turnout at the Tahoe Triple at the weekend - just Simon Redfern. Possibly explained by the nature of the event - three marathons in three days at altitude in the USA's Sierra Nevada mountains. Simon made it to the end in thirtieth place overall and I'm very impressed. Start pic here.
[Andy Irvine, Wed 29/09/10] [comments (0)]

Bourn to Run 10K
Another cracking result for Caz Pritchard, this time a second place at the 10K Bourn to Run event. Giacomo Capetti (7th) and John Morley (12th) featured strongly in the men's race. Good going Julie Pashley too (24th F). Apologies if I missed you in the published results for either 10K or 3K (no club, or even race placing, listed) - let me know if so.
[Andy Irvine, Wed 29/09/10] [comments (0)]

C&C Grand Prix
Finally a Grand Prix race with a decent C&C turnout! The intra-club competition reached Race 7 at Saffron Walden, and the overall standings continue to be led by Bob Watson, but John Oakes is a mere four points back now. Caz Pritchard sat it out, but holds onto third from Diana Braverman and Katie Sherwood. In the age-graded table, John leads Bob, but watch out for Glyn Smith!
[Andy Irvine, Mon 27/09/10] [comments (0)]

JW Ultra
Our "Ultra Katie" Samuelson's been on the injury list lately, so the best way to test out the rehab is just a short ultra. Passed with flying colours! Second place (and tenth overall) in the 30-mile JW Ultra in Warwickshire. Congrats, Katie.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 27/09/10] [comments (0)]

Macclesfield Half Marathon
His-n-hers 52nd places! Ahhhh! Well done John Kazer and Carol Stanier at the Macc Half. Good stuff Simon King too.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 27/09/10] [comments (0)]

Saffron Walden 10K
The Saffron Walden 10K is a huge race for C&C, and has reliably lovely weather.... Well, it's huge for us anyway, and so it's massively pleasing to congratulate Mike Salt on winning this year's event in 33:59. Well done Mike! No less impressive was John Oakes's fourth place in 35:58, taking first M50 once again. Bob Watson's recent entry into the M50s makes the category even tougher this year (particularly at C&C - we took five of the first eight!); Bob took third place, and 14th overall. Another runner turning in fine performances week after week is Diana Braverman, and she mirrored John by winning the F50 category - congratulations Diana. Lots of other fine individual performaces too, so well done if I didn't mention you.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 27/09/10] [comments (0)]

Berlin Marathon
Those of us watching the splits from the Berlin Marathon were seriously impressed by the C&C performances yesterday. Congratulations to Ish Badr's (3:10), Adam Poole (3:36) and Colin Smith (4:40), but I hope they'll forgive me for picking out Katie Sherwood (3:16) and Dave Yeneralski (3:20), who capped some great training with deserved big PBs. Going by the splits, it looks like a joint effort until Katie pushed on in the last 10K or so, to finish 128th-placed female. Finally, another gasp of awe for Steve Watterson, who may have run for his first-claim club, but we'll claim him anyway; 2:36 for 120th overall. And huge sympathy to late injury withdrawal Alejandra Pascual Garrido, who was running so well - mend fast, Alejandra!
Superb, everyone.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 27/09/10] [comments (0)]

More Pics
My Norfolk pics added to Andrew's in the gallery. Anyone else got any?
[Andy Irvine, Wed 22/09/10] [comments (1)]

Newmarket Duathlon Pics
Marcus's excellent pics of the Newmarket Duathlon are now up in the gallery, featuring Katie and Adam. Enjoy!
[Andy Irvine, Wed 22/09/10] [comments (0)]

Great North Run
Well done Andy Allsopp (1:31) and Deb Carter (2:09), our representatives at the Great North Run. Cracking runs, both. Andy even beat Sonia O'Sullivan; I beat Haile once, but he DNF-ed so I don't think that counts.
[Andy Irvine, Wed 22/09/10] [comments (0)]

Charlotte's Quadruple Mexican Gold
Many congratulations to Charlotte Cox, who brought home no fewer than four gold medals from the first World Games for athletes with Down Syndrome. Charlotte triumphed at 100m, 200m, 400m and long jump at the event, held in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 20/09/10] [comments (1)]

Chariots of Fire
Commiserations to the strongly C&C-oriented Giulio team on just being edged into third place in Chariots of Fire by long-time city rivals Cambridge University H&H, by six seconds. Fine effort, chaps. Glassworks won the title again. Think Product Design, another C&C-dominated team, won third mixed team - see Luda's pics.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 20/09/10] [comments (1)]

Round Norfolk Relay
News from the Round Norfolk Relay. C&C finished second in the Club class (at least six vets and five female), which is the blue riband class of the event, beating the previously-invincible City of Norwich AC (not a good day for them for a number of reasons), but losing to a very classy Norwich Road Runners squad, with whom we had a good old battle after lining up with them in the 11:30 start. Congratulations to them for finally doing it! Only one other team ran faster than us; Ely Runners, deserved winners of the unrestricted Open class - well done them.
One quick note - CoNAC had won the Club class every year since 1999.
Individual honours: stage wins for Al Pritchard (leg 2), Noel Carroll (3), Caz Pritchard (13) and Katie Sherwood (15) (and 3am support difficulties probably cost Kim Masson another). And best veteran in the entire race, based on WAVA percentages, was John Oakes for his stage 14 run.
My enormous thanks to the entire squad for a spectacular perfomance and seventeen stories of sacrifice, but extra thanks to Carmel, Fiona, Alex, Glyn, Simon and John F, who were utterly, utterly magnificent on support duty.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 20/09/10] [comments (3)]

Closed C & C 5k races
The first of the closed C & C 5k races will take place on Tuesday 5th October from Wilberforce Road. They will take place every first Tuesday to coincide with the monthly pub night at The Red Bull, Barton Road, which is open to all road runners. They do great pizzas!! Please can you keep your own times and I will make a note of your name, position and timings to add to hopefully add to the website? You'll then be able to monitor your own progress.
[Adam Poole, Sat 18/09/10] [comments (0)]

Frostbite races
The first of the 2010/11 Frostbite races is Sunday 3rd October at Priory Park, St Neots. It's free to enter and all you need to do is to turn up, wear your C & C vest and run. The junior race (1.5 miles) starts at 10:15 and the senior race (5 miles) starts at 11am. I hope we can get as many runners there as possible so we can win both the junior and senior races! For those who can offer lifts or need a lift I suggest being at the track by 9:30am. However, I will be going straight there so can't offer any lifts.
[Adam Poole, Sat 18/09/10] [comments (0)]

Beer and Curry Night
A beer and curry social has been planned for Friday 1st October, starting at The Salisbury Arms, Tenison Road from 19:30 and then moving onto The Curry Queen, Mill Road for 8pm. If you interested in coming, please can you let me know by Thursday 23rd September so I can book a table?
[Adam Poole, Sat 18/09/10] [comments (0)]

Ely New Year's Eve 10K Entries Open!
If you missed Andrew's forum post, Ely New Year's Eve 10K entries are open. They will go like hot cakes and you will miss out if you don't act NOW.
[Andy Irvine, Fri 17/09/10] [comments (1)]

Round Norfolk Relay Debrief and Drinks
7:30 Sunday (19th Sept) at the Boathouse on Mitcham's Corner. Bar food available. Everyone welcome! Follow the race via the LIVE tab above (hopefully).
[Andy Irvine, Fri 17/09/10] [comments (0)]

Dunstable Downs Challenge
For those of you who like running long distances on hilly trails, the Dunstable Downs Challenge is just the ticket. With a choice of half-marathon, 20 miles and full marathon there's something for everyone: Andrew S., Ultra-Katie and I all opted for the full monty, and a combination of the scenery, self-navigation, lovely weather and a friendly atmosphere helped the miles pass by. John F.
[John Ferguson, Wed 15/09/10] [comments (0)]

Paul Evans Endurance Session
Greater Cambridge Athletics Network (GCAN) has organised a session with former Chicago Marathon winner Paul Evans at Haverhill Sports Centre this coming Tuesday (14th September). It runs from 7 to 9pm, with some road-based training first then a chat with Paul at the Centre after that. All GCAN members (that includes C&C members) welcome, free of charge. Should be an excellent session.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 13/09/10] [comments (0)]

Andy & Carmel
Many of you will know Andy and Carmel but for those that don't Andy and Carmel are long standing members of C&C and Andy is of course the architect and administrator of this wonderful site. Andy is always very gracious in lauding the achievements of others via this site, so I thought it was time to return the favour by congratulating both Andy & Carmel upon their recent marriage. Please join me in raising a glass, to Andy and Carmel!
[Matthew Applegate, Mon 13/09/10] [comments (6)]

Newmarket Duathlon
How's this for good news? Katie Sherwood only went and won the Newmarket Duathlon at the weekend! Katie's time over the 4km/23km/4km course was a couple of minutes quicker than her closest rival, and even beat Adam Poole's time in 28th place, which was impressive enough in itself! Huge congratulations, Katie.
(pic illegally borrowed from the Newmarket Cycling/Tri Club 's gallery)
[Andy Irvine, Mon 13/09/10] [comments (0)]

Langham 10K
Down Colchester way, a couple of C&C's best-travelled racers took on the Langham 10K with the customary excellent results. John Oakes's V50 win in an awesome 35:18 was worth a 89.11% grading and fourth place overall, whilst Dave Edwards had a blinder too, storming to a PB of 40:54. Blimey!
[Andy Irvine, Mon 13/09/10] [comments (0)]

Grunty Fen Half
Results are in from the evocatively-named Grunty Fen Half Marathon at Witchford, near Ely. Fine results they are too, with Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha finishing fourth in 1:15:46 and Charlie Wartnaby fifth, running 1:16:05. Charlie also won the V40 category. In the women's race, Caz Pritchard's excellent form continued with sixth place in 1:32:24. Congratulations to them, and to Sam Barr, Andrew Howard, Meinou Simmons, Dave Mail and Linda Baston-Pitt. Diarmuid, Charlie, Sam and Andrew combined for fifth place in the men's team standings, while Caroline, Meinou and Linda took sixth. In the Cambs county championship, Diarmuid and Charlie were second and third.

And finally... in the C&C Grand Prix, Bob Watson holds on to first place, but Caz pips John Oakes for second place on countback. All still to run for. In the age/sex-adjusted table, it runs Bob-John-Caz, as Caz is penalised for youthfulness.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 13/09/10] [comments (1)]

Thursday's sessions
Further to the announcement last Tuesday, tempo runs will restart on Thursday 16th September from Wilberforce Road, leaving at 18:45. However, they are done at the runners own risk. I will work out two routes of varying distances, which should suit all runners and explain them on Thursday.
[Adam Poole, Mon 13/09/10] [comments (0)]

5K League - Results
Apologies for the woefully slow posting of the results from Newmarket - my fault, not the timekeepers'. Hearty applause to George Schwiening, who was again first female, whilst Miguel Branco, John Oakes and Alan Pritchard took sixth to eighth places (or was it fifth to seventh?).
The overall position: C&C Blue: males fifth on the night, third in the series, females fourth and joint third. C&C White: males second and fifth, females sixth and (also) joint third.
[Andy Irvine, Fri 10/09/10] [comments (0)]

Wissey Half Marathon
I think in a year of outstanding racing, this can't be far off John Oakes's best result. Not just a V50 win, but also the overall victory in the Wissey Half Marathon, near Downham Market. A PB too, 1:17:47. Amazing stuff, John, many congratulations. Well done Tim Long and Mandy Lasseter too.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 06/09/10] [comments (2)]

Round Norfolk Relay - Support Crew?
Once a couple of last-minute details are confirmed, we'll have a very quick team for the Round Norfolk Relay on 18th/19th September. We also have a basic support crew (ferrying, following runners by bike/car etc), but would dearly like some more so we don't go insane with exhaustion. Again. We'd also like some reserves who'd be willing to step in in the event of injury (almost certainly needed - relying on getting seventeen runners fit and healthy to their starts is a bit optimistic) - in fact, priority goes to support crew on that. Many thanks to the runners who have offered some help. It's a brilliant event, and well worth coming along (honestly!).

If you can help, or would like more info, get in touch by e-mail or ring/text 07989 105740 (I won't be at training this week).

Sorry if I haven't tapped you up to run - this might be a mistake (if so, let me know), but the team is so good I've barely opened the barrel, never mind scraping it!
[Andy Irvine, Mon 06/09/10] [comments (0)]

Bradbourne Fell Race 29th Aug
Fiona and Alex Downie attempted a fell race in Derbyshire BH weekend (see report). Approx 5.5 miles Alex Downie 48:24, 75th........Fiona Downie 51:15 88th...... 108 finishers.
[Alex Downie, Sun 05/09/10] [comments (0)]

5K Pics from Newmarket
Results to follow, but for now, have a look at Luda's superb photos from the 5K at Newmarket in the gallery.
[Andy Irvine, Fri 03/09/10] [comments (2)]
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