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May 2010

This new race takes place on Saturday August 28th and takes you up to the Mare Way ridge with fantastic views on both sides. You then go into the lovely woodland near Wimpole before heading down into the village of Eversden. Details on http://welcomewords.blog.com
[Benvenuto Baldelli, Sat 29/05/10] [comments (0)]

Tri Club 5K
Latest Tri Club 5K results up. Congrats Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha (1st), David Johnson (3rd) and George Schwiening (2nd F), and well done all others. Apologies for inevitable errors as no affiliations are published.
[Andy Irvine, Fri 28/05/10] [comments (0)]

Cambs Development Meeting
Lots of good performances at the Cambs Development Meeting at St Ives - follow the link for full results - well worth a browse. The races included the County Championships for 3000m, and they were won by George Schwiening and Miguel Branco. Congratulations to our new champions and well done the rest of the squad.
[Andy Irvine, Thu 27/05/10] [comments (0)]

White Peak Marathon
No doubt the gorgeous scenery on the Tissington and High Peak Trails was enough to compensate for being slowly fried to a crisp in the White Peak Marathon. Congratulations to the charred remains of Stephen Nicholson (an excellent ninth place), Katie Samuelson and Simon Redfern for their heroics.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 24/05/10] [comments (0)]

Marlborough Downs Challenge
Well done David Edwards, capping a series of consecutive marathon weekends with the hilly Marlborough Downs Challenge 33-mile trail race in 5:51. Just parkrun this week then!
[Andy Irvine, Sat 22/05/10] [comments (0)]

Race for Life 2010
Message from Lucy Hynes:
I am in the process of organising Race for Life 2010 in Cambridge and wondered if you may be able to get some helpers for the day – It’s Sunday 4th July and we need all sort of help – marshals on course and event set up. An athletic club would be brilliant.
The event is huge – 8000 participants going through the streets of Cambridge – this year it starts on Parkers Piece and finishes on Jesus Green.
The link to register is http://www.raceforlife.org/support-race-for-life/volunteer.aspx or please contact me directly. Lucy.Hynes@cancer.org.uk
[Phil Garrett, Thu 20/05/10] [comments (0)]

Harlow Ladies 5K Series
Race 2 of 3 from Harlow, and Katie Samuelson's still going well - fourth place in 20:27, and first senior. Good stuff, Katie.
[Andy Irvine, Thu 20/05/10] [comments (0)]

The West Highland Way
(worth moving back to the top of the page - good luck Kim! - Andy)
I will be tackling the 95 mile route from Milngavie 7 miles north of Glasgow to Fort William to raise funding for Cam Mind a local mental health charity. The race starts at 1.00am on Saturday 19th June and if my body holds up it would be nice to finish before sunday.

If you would like to support CamMind you can sponsor me using the link below


[Kim Masson, Wed 19/05/10] [comments (0)]

Windermere Marathon
More quality distance stuff from Katie Samuelson at the Brathay Windermere Marathon, where she finished fourth female and first senior in 3:24. Congratulations Katie!
[Andy Irvine, Tue 18/05/10] [comments (0)]

Camping weekend
I have booked a few pitches at Stiffkey campsite on the North Norfolk coast, for the nights of July 2 & 3. Cost is £7 per pitch plus £4 per adult. I dont need any money in advance but please let me know by June 18 if you definitely want to go.
[Tim Long, Mon 17/05/10] [comments (0)]

Cambridge Beer Festival
A visit is planned to this ever-popular beer festival on Wednesday 26 May, 7pm onwards, Jesus Green. Website is www.cambridgebeerfestival.com
Food is available. Please be prepared to queue to get in (unless you are a CAMRA member).
[Tim Long, Mon 17/05/10] [comments (0)]

East Cambs Half
For some reason there was a much-reduced field in Soham for the East Cambs Half, but C&C still put out a sizeable squad for this excellent race. Dave Pell led us in with a 1:23, ahead of Simon Brightwell's 1:28 and Alejandra Pascual Garrido, who finished fourth female in 1:38, whilst Carmel McEniery put her volcanic traumas behind her in style by winning the V35 category in 1:44.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 17/05/10] [comments (0)]

Dereham 10
Another category win for John Oakes, this time at the Dereham 10 in the scarily quick time of 58:42, another PB, I think! That run was good enough for fourth place overall. Congrats again, John.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 17/05/10] [comments (0)]

Track News
Check the Cambs AA site for full County Champs results, or to keep up with comprehensive stats and news from a C&C perspective, see the excellent T&F results section of the C&C official site.
We did amazingly well at St Ives, winning the team events in every category except Senior Men, which went to Nene Valley Harriers.
In extended brief(ish) summary, well done to all, but particular congratulations to our new champions Joan Lasenby (senior 1500m), Laura Bass (senior 400m), Lauren Sammout (senior long jump and triple jump, U20 discus), Hayley Sayer (U20 hammer and shot), Oliver Cantrill (U13 75m hurdles and 800m), Tommy Mila (U13 javelin), Aeden Slack (U13 shot), Charlotte Murphy (U13 1500m), Lucy Parker (U13 800m), Katie Reynolds (U13 high jump, long jump and shot), Joseph Ebanks (U15 100m), Guy Kendall (U15 1500m), Benjamin Snaith (U15 800m), Morgan Young (U15 discus), Jake Mair (U15 long jump), Ben Cowley (U15 triple jump), Hollie Parker (U15 1500m), Natalia Rehakova (U15 300m), Imogen Hyde (U15 discus and hammer), Ella Cave (U17 100m and 80m hurdles), Jenny Richards (U17 hammer), Flavia Kumar (U17 triple jump), Ben Kelk (U20 100m and a championship best in the 110m hurdles) and George Cummins (U20 long jump).
[Andy Irvine, Wed 12/05/10] [comments (0)]

Sawston Fun Run
No results in yet for the 25th Sawston Fun Run, but the Cambridge News tells me it attracted 1202 runners and the men's race was won by Will Mycroft and the women's by George Schwiening, both C&Cs. Congratulations Will & George!
[Andy Irvine, Mon 10/05/10] [comments (0)]

River Cam Run
No doubting the star event of a packed racing programme. The first ever River Cam Run attracted a big squad of C&C runners to Fen Ditton, and they featured strongly at the front. First C&C was Giacomo Capetti in fourth place, with Giulio Cinque sixth. Both won their category. Meinou Simmons was our first female, and took second place in the race. Congratulations to all of them, and well done the rest of the team. Congratulations also to race director Ben Baldelli and his team. Ben plans a reprise of the River Cam Run on 17th October, with a brand new Eversden 5 on 28th August, so let's give them our support.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 10/05/10] [comments (0)]

Halstead & Essex Marathon
The Halstead & Essex Marathon has a reputation for being furnace-like on occasions, but this time conditions were absolutely perfect. Taking full advantage were Kim Masson (in ultra training), David Edwards (on a streak of consecutive marathon and ultra Sundays) and me (at a loose end). Kim is in such good nick that she took sixth place and first in her category, but well done all of us.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 10/05/10] [comments (0)]

Colchester 10K
John Oakes's golden form continued on Sunday at the Colchester 10K. Not only was his 34:59 good enough for third place (and again first V50), it was a PB and worth a whopping 89.18% WAVA grading, another new 'all-time' C&C best. I was about to make comparisons with Alexander the Great's Persian campaign, but I think I was getting carried away slightly. Congrats again, John.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 10/05/10] [comments (0)]

Eye 10K
The Eye 10K is always one of the most popular races amongst C&C runners. Except this year! There may have been a more attractive offer elsewhere... However, our two representatives did us proud, both winning their categories. Congrats to Bob Watson (first V45 in 36:09, ninth overall) and Diana Braverman (first V55 in 48:01). In the seemingly jinxed Grand Prix (who picked the fixtures?), Bob and Diana both move into the top four.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 10/05/10] [comments (0)]

Harlow Ladies 5K Series
Belated result from the 5K Series at Harlow - Katie Samuelson took her good form from the parkruns to Essex and came away with the best time of the lot, 20:11, to take third place.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 10/05/10] [comments (0)]

Thursday Night Races
Well done John Oakes for taking another V50 prize, this time at the Newmarket Heath Run. Also on, the first of the Tri Club's 5K Series. Unfortunately they haven't published affiliations, so I'm largely guessing who was running for us and who wasn't, so any assistance would be appreciated! David Johnson was first C&C in 17:16, with a good bunch of C&Cs not far behind. George Schwiening's second place in the females will have been for the Tri Club, sadly, but great going anyway, and the same is true of James Tapley's win in the 2K event. Full results in the, um, results section.
[Andy Irvine, Fri 07/05/10] [comments (0)]

Bartlow Challenge
A dominant performance by C&C at the off-road and, er, challenging Bartlow Challenge 9-miler. Official results not in yet, but Ben Baldelli took the victory in around 56 minutes, with Alessandro Coianiz second, having carried his heavy, mud-encrusted shoes for the last kilometre. Giulio Cinque, like Alessandro recovering from the London Marathon, ran well to finish close behind.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 03/05/10] [comments (0)]

Local Racing This Week
Just a quick mention for a feast of good local racing this week - make sure you get along to one at least! The Newmarket Heath Run on Thursday evening is a multiterrain 6K for a very good cause (see news item below), whilst the Tri Club 5K series starts up again, unfortunately on the same night. As if that's not enough, Saturday is parkrun day (like every Saturday!), 5K at Milton Country Park. On Sunday, we have the very first in what will hopefully become a favourite race, the 4.67-mile River Cam Run, which takes in many of those belting trails between Stourbridge Common and Baits Bite, starting at Fen Ditton Rec. Or you might want to do the ever-popular Sawston Fun Run. Finally, it's also the Eye 10K on Sunday, the next Grand Prix event. All of the above except the Tri Club 5K advertise entries on the day (but do register free online in advance for parkrun), but (a) check - don't take my word for it and (b) get there early if you do. Terrible clashes in scheduling, but there's something for everyone, so get out there and good luck.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 03/05/10] [comments (0)]

Ashdon 10K+
Results now in from Ashdon, where Benedict Kennard and Alex and Fiona Downie flew the flag ably for C&C, but star effort came from Seth Kennard, who won the 3K race. Well done Seth! Apologies to anyone I've missed (clubs weren't listed). Literary fans will enjoy Alex's report.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 03/05/10] [comments (0)]

Breckland 10K
A bit of a blustery Bank Holiday Monday, but it didn't hold John Oakes and Bob Watson back at the Breckland 10K. In a stunning battle, John ran a big PB of 35:16 to take fifth place overall, edging Bob into sixth with 35:33. Of course, both won their category by a long way. John's 88.47% WAVA grading was the best by a C&C runner 'ever' (since at least 2006), whilst Bob's ranking made the top ten (all ten are owned by John and Bob!). A case of 'follow that' for poor John Evans, whose excellent 38:57 was pretty sharp too. Congrats to all.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 03/05/10] [comments (0)]

Grand East Anglia Run
The Grand East Anglia Run in King's Lynn is one of the biggest races in the region, so it's good to see C&C runners featuring very strongly. Mike Salt, in eighth place with 33:51, just pipped Noel Carroll, tenth in 34:02, and also in the upper reaches were David Johnson (38th) and Simon Bowen, whose 60th place was the second-best V50 performance. Superb running, chaps.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 03/05/10] [comments (0)]
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For official C&C information, visit the Cambridge and Coleridge Athletic Club official site.