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September 2009

Xmas Party
Date for your diary! C&C Road Runners Xmas party will be held on Sunday 20 December at Jesus College Cambridge (thanks to Chris Brown)
All welcome and more details will follow shortly.
[Phil Garrett, Wed 30/09/09] [comments (0)]

Frostbite League - St Neots
This Sunday is the first Frostbite League match of the season, at Priory Park, St Neots, and as we intend to challenge for the overall victory this season, YOU are needed! However fast or slow, you can help your club, so please do your best to be there. There is meet-up at the track at 9:30am for those who want to share lifts. As ever, just turn up in your club vest and run - there's no fee and no registration. 11am START for seniors, 10:15 for juniors.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 28/09/09] [comments (0)]

JW Ultra
Ultra running news from the Midlands, where the usual suspects (Ultra Katie and Ultra Simon) took on the 30 mile JW Ultra from Stratford to Brum. I'm assured it was a tale of glory and misery respectively, but I'd say it's glory for both.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 28/09/09] [comments (0)]

Grand Prix Update - Walden 10K
Today's race was unexpectedly short of C&C runners, and it's all change in the Grand Prix table.
Mike Salt is now top of the standings with the maximum 80 points and can only be beaten on countback with three races to go. Bob Watson climbs to third behind Katie Samuelson-Dean, whilst Simon Bowen and Carmel McEniery both made big moves up the table. In the WAVA Rankings, Bob is now a deserved leader, with Mike second, but Simon's game in hand gives him a fighting chance of retaining his title.
Next Grand Prix race (they're coming thick and fast) is next weekend, the Frostbite League fixture at St Neots.
[Andy Irvine, Sun 27/09/09] [comments (0)]

Triple Glory at Saffron Walden
A perfect day for a run, and a pretty good set of results for C&C too at the Saffron Walden 10K. Mike Salt won the race brilliantly in 35:01, capping a superb summer for him. Not far behind was Bob Watson, whose 36:07 won him the Vet 40 category, and Alex Downie made it a hat-trick by taking first place in the Vet 60s. Huge congratulations to them, and well done the rest of the squad. Well done the Striders too for another superb race.
(news pic stolen from the Striders website ).
[Andy Irvine, Sun 27/09/09] [comments (0)]

Round Norfolk Relay
The full results from the Round Norfolk Relay have been posted. A hearty pat on the back to everyone involved - an accomplishment to be proud of!
Lots of photos are up in the Gallery - any more out there?
[Andy Irvine, Mon 21/09/09] [comments (0)]

Berlin Marathon
Congratulations to our squad at the Berlin Marathon at the weekend. Ish Badr's superb 2:56 was a highlight, and Amy Goymour's 3:21, Adam Poole's 3:24, Andrea Hill's 3:29 and Tom Johnson's 3:53 were all impressive too. But even those runs were put in the shade by new member Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha, who made winning our 5K League match look trivial by running an incredible 2:28, good enough for a top 50 place. Not only that, Diarmuid was the first Irish finisher. Genuinely world class. Many congratulations, Diarmuid!
[Andy Irvine, Mon 21/09/09] [comments (0)]

Chariots of Fire
Glorious sunny morning for the annual Chariots of Fire Relay with many C&C members taking part. The C&C Mixed team took top spot in their category and were fifth overall, with an (official) time of 57:06. Congratulations to John F, Simon B, Jonathon, Jemma, Alex and Bob. Results added.
[Andrew, Sun 20/09/09] [comments (0)]

Round Norfolk Relay
This weekend is the Round Norfolk Relay, starting Saturday very early and finishing Sunday around 10am. We have two teams running, one male, one female. Any further details will appear here, and the expected timings (give or take an hour or three!) can be found below (very interesting this year!). Live updates will be provided by our reporters on the spot, I hope - follow the 'LIVE' tab above.

There will be a post-RNR drinks session (food available too) at the Boathouse on Mitcham's Corner from 7.30 on Sunday evening. All welcome whether you made it to Norfolk or not.
[Andy Irvine, Fri 18/09/09] [comments (0)]

Bourn to Run
A nice set of results from Bourn, where our team featured strongly. Caz Pritchard took fifth place on her return from maternity leave, Eunice Alexander and Giacomo Capetti recorded matching sixth places, John Morley was eighth and Dave Yeneralski 29th. Good running, you lot.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 14/09/09] [comments (0)]

London Duathlon
An outstanding performance to report from Ben Baldelli, who finished seventh in the Elite race at the London Duathlon. Yes, the Elite race, not the mass start! This was worth an M40 category win, but then again Ben was the only M40 to qualify!
Fantastic stuff, Ben.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 14/09/09] [comments (0)]

Grand Prix Latest
With the Grunty Fen results in, the Grand Prix table has been updated, and Katie Samuelson-Dean and Andrew Herne have been rewarded for their efforts with first and second place respectively. However, Mike Salt and yesterday's star performer Bob Watson are close behind with a 'game in hand'. What's more, it's a similar situation in the age and gender-adjusted standings, but Andrew now has the edge over Katie.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 14/09/09] [comments (0)]

Grunty Fen Half
Another windy day on the fens on this exposed fenland course. A surprisingly poor C and C turnout for one of our closest and well organised halfs. 'Baggage massage' area prompted a few smiles. First C and C male was Bob Watson, who had a cracking race. First female was the Katie S-D who then went onto run another 12 miles later; she must have legs of steel. Other runners were Sam Barr, Dave J, Meinou, Syndiah, Andrew H, Vikki G, Mike, Nataliya and Ilya.
[Meinou Simmons, Sun 13/09/09] [comments (0)]

Frostbite - St Neots Sunday 4th October
Dear all,
We're 3 weeks away from the first Frostbite of the 2009/10 season, which we'd like to win this year and prove to Riverside Runners (who've entered two teams this year, which removes their dominance) that C & C is a tour de force.
The first one is in St Neots and all senior Frostbite races (5 - 6 miles) start at 11am. We have also entered a junior team and their races start at 10:15 and are no longer than 1.5 miles.
The system follows the same idea as the Kevin Henry 5k race in that it's necessary to wear your club vest, there's no entry charge and the scoring system is structured so that the first ten runners of any club are the ones who score, 3 of which must be female. The idea is to get the lowest number of points to be at the top of the league.
I suggest meeting at the track at 9am on Sunday 4th October for lifts. I will be there so can offer lifts for up to 3 people.
Further details can be found on the Frostbite website - http://www.frostbiteleague.org.uk/
[Adam Poole, Sun 13/09/09] [comments (0)]

Ely New Year's Eve Entries Open
In case you hadn't noticed, entries for the Ely New Year's Eve 10K opened yesterday. More than a hundred places have been snapped up already, and it will definitely sell out well in advance - I suspect you will need to be quicker than ever this year.
[Andy Irvine, Fri 11/09/09] [comments (0)]

Boston 6 Hour Race
Belated news of another joint-crushing feat of endurance from Simon Redfern, this time at the Boston 6 Hour Race, where he clocked exactly 6:00:00... er, I mean ran precisely 32.056 miles in the allotted time. Nice one, Simon.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 07/09/09] [comments (0)]

Wissey Half Marathon
More good news, this time from rural Norfolk, where Kim Masson was fourth in the Wissey Half, taking first place in her category. Congratulations, Kim!
[Andy Irvine, Mon 07/09/09] [comments (0)]

Littleport 10K
Excellent news from northern parts, where Ben Baldelli won the multi-terrain Littleport 10K. Many congratulations, Ben. Well done to Chris Brown, Alex Downie and Diana Braverman for quality performances too.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 07/09/09] [comments (0)]

Histon Beer Festival
The Red Lion in Histon is holding a beer festival from the 7th September to the 11th September. To celebrate this fact a few of us are planning a visit on Monday night from 7.30pm and also on Friday night from about 7.30pm. Everyone welcome.
[Steve Thoday, Sun 06/09/09] [comments (0)]

5K League - C&C
I think everyone was actually there last night, but in case you weren't, we had a great night at our home fixture in the 5K league. New boy Diarmuid O'Seaghdha won the race, with Ben Baldelli and Miguel Branco third and fourth. George Schwiening took second place the women's race, with Helen Zenner in fourth. These and many other fine performances meant that both teams won on the night, and with the women holding off the Saffron Walden challenge, we secured the double again in the series.
Each club awards a Runner of the Series medal, and deserved winners for C&C were Miguel Branco and Jemma Clarry.
Fantastic running everyone, and well done all those who helped put the race on, especially chief organiser Adam.
[Andy Irvine, Fri 04/09/09] [comments (0)]

Dovedale Dash
This years Dovedale Dash will take place on Sunday 1 November starting at 11.00am. It's a short (4.75 miles) off road race and the views around Dovedale are lovely! For further information, see http://www.dovedaledash.co.uk/ and previous Dash photos from the gallery on this website. Its great fun, honest!
We currently have 18 beds reserved for Saturday 31 October at the recently refurbished Illam Youth Hostel and all rooms are en-suite Click here for details.
Total cost is £35.85 which includes accommodation, dinner on Saturday night and breakfast on Sunday morning. If you would like to come, please let me know as soon as possible (pg101@cam.ac.uk), as I need to confirm numbers and make payment by 20 September.
Please make cheques are payable to YHA and either give them to me on a Tuesday at training or post them (email me and I’ll let you have the address) by Friday 18 September.
Many thanks
[Phil Garrett, Thu 03/09/09] [comments (0)]

5K League - C&C
This coming Thursday (4th September) is our home fixture in the 5K league. If you're fit, please come and run (7.00 start, Wilberforce Road, free entry, C&C vest compulsory). If you're a bit iffy, like me, please offer your services to Adam for marshalling duty. Either way, C&C needs you!
It's the last round, and we lead in male and female categories, but Saffron Striders can still catch us in the female competition, so our female runners are even more valuable than usual. Oh, and please stick around for the awards afterwards if you can.
[Andy Irvine, Tue 01/09/09] [comments (0)]

Ipswich Half
Only Adam had the nerve to tackle a half on a sunny bank holiday weekend, at Ipswich - well done to him.
[Andy Irvine, Tue 01/09/09] [comments (0)]
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