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July 2008

Peterborough 5K Series - Werrington
Well done John J at Werrington - second MV60 in 20:09.
[Andy Irvine, Thu 31/07/08] [comments (0)]

5K League at Haverhill - information
The venue for the Haverhill leg of the 5K league has changed - it's now in Kedington, off the Bury road. Click 'read more' for full details.

As ever, we need another big turnout to follow up our good results from the first two races - please make it (in your C&C vest, no entry fee) if you can. The race is on Thursday 7th August, 7-30pm start.
[Andy Irvine, Thu 31/07/08] [comments (0)]

Swiss Alpine Marathon
Well done to Andy I for completing the Swiss Alpine Marathon last Saturday - 26.2 miles of climbing and descending over isolated mountain tracks, meant only for goats as far as I could see! Andy emerged from the wilderness with only a few cuts and bruises, resulting from a "judo roll" on one of the steeper descents! The atmosphere was fantastic and the event was run with typical Swiss organisation. Photos now up in the Gallery.
[Carmel M, Wed 30/07/08] [comments (0)]

Harlow 10
Another fine result for Ben B - seventh, and second vet, at the Harlow 10 in 58:25.
[Andy Irvine, Sun 27/07/08] [comments (0)]

Dovedale Dash
This year's Dash is on Sunday 2 November at 11.00am. It's short and sharp and the mud's guaranteed, but the views across Dovedale make it well worth the effort! For further information, see http://www.dovedaledash.co.uk/ and the photo gallery on the website - some people are even smiling as they plunge into the river!

We currently have 20 beds reserved for the nights of Friday 31 October and Saturday 1 November at the National Forest Youth Hostel, northeast of Lichfield - http://www.yha.org.uk/find-accommodation/peak-district-sherwood/hostels/national_forest/index.aspx. The facilities at this new hostel look impressive. Accommodation is in 2-4-bedded rooms, all en-suite.

Costs are as follows:
For Saturday night only: £35.45 (1 night's accommodation, dinner on Saturday night and breakfast on Sunday morning)
For Friday and Saturday nights: £61.90 (2 nights' accommodation, 2 breakfasts and dinner on Saturday night)

If you would like to come, please let me know as soon as possible (rachel.roberts@yahoo.co.uk), indicating how many nights you'd like to stay. I need to raise a 25% deposit for the whole booking within the next couple of weeks, so if you're happy to pay the whole amount up-front, that would be really helpful - thanks! Cheques are payable to YHA. Please either give them to me at training or post them to me (I will let you know my address if you need to do this), by Friday 8 August.


[Rachel Roberts, Wed 23/07/08] [comments (0)]

Drama Outing - The Government Inspector
Further to Andy's recent item about this - for those doing Wibbly Wobbly on the Friday, there is another performance of the play on Sat 2 August, 7.30pm, at Milton Country Park. I will probably go on the Saturday.
[Tim Long, Wed 23/07/08] [comments (0)]

St Ives 10K
Well done all the many C&C runners who raced at St Ives. Star turns for us were Noel and Geoff (sixth and seventh) and Karin (tenth female), with Karin taking top spot in the C&C Grand Prix. Karin's husband was on hand with the camera, and his pics are now up in the gallery.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 21/07/08] [comments (0)]

Peterborough 5K Series - Stamford
Well done Simon R for getting another PB, this time at Stamford on Wednesday in the Peterborough 5K series. I've said it before, but it's a great series and I'm surprised not more of us race it.
[Andy Irvine, Fri 18/07/08] [comments (0)]

Al Fresco Drama Outing?
Our cultural attaché (Glyn) has brought it to my attention that C&C's running thespian, Ian Delany, is on tour with the Ocras Theatre Group again, bringing "The Government Inspector" to outdoor venues across the region. The suggestion is that those interested might like to meet up for the Friday 1st August performance at Wandlebury Country Park (£10/£8, 7.30 start, or 6.30 for picnics, 01223 243830). More details of the play and a full list of venues are at the Ocras website.
[Andy Irvine, Wed 16/07/08] [comments (0)]

National Championships
Fantastic to see a C&C vest at the Nationals/Olympic trials on Saturday. Ed Aston finished sixth in the 800m behind the celebrated likes of new champion Michael Rimmer, Andy Baddeley and Richard Hill, clocking 1:51.59 after a tactical first lap. Congratulations, Ed.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 14/07/08] [comments (0)]

Bushy 10K
Ben B was in the prizes again on Sunday, finishing third at the Bushy 10K in Peterborough. Ultra Katie had a good run too, finishing 16th female. Well done both.
[Andy Irvine, Mon 14/07/08] [comments (0)]

St Ives 10K - C&C Grand Prix
Just a quick reminder that Sunday week (20th July) is the St Ives 10K, the next race in the C&C Grand Prix. The Hunts AC website is still taking online entries, and it looks like there are 200+ places left (don't quote me on that!).
[Andy Irvine, Fri 11/07/08] [comments (0)]

Histon Fun Run results
Results from Histon Fun Run are now up, with Leon first C&C in fifth place overall in the six-mile race. Local football afficionados might be interested to see the (entire?) Histon squad's results in the three-mile (all bar six beaten by Gerald!).
[Andy Irvine, Tue 08/07/08] [comments (0)]

Curry and comedy night
For our next social event, we're organising a trip to the "Mirth Control" comedy night at The Boathouse on Chesterton Road on Sunday 3rd August. The show starts at 8pm (though early arrival is recommended if you want to avoid a seat in the spotlight!) and admission is £5.00 - those of you who've been before will agree it's well worth it! Further details of the three acts and the MC that night are available here:


A few of us are planning to go for a curry beforehand (venue and time to be confirmed, depending on numbers, but probably The Maharajah on Castle Hill).

If you would like to join us, for the curry and/or the comedy night, please can you let me know by Wednesday 23 July, so that I can give The Boathouse plenty of warning that we're coming?

Hope to see you there!


[Rachel Roberts, Mon 07/07/08] [comments (0)]

Ultra Katie's Latest Adventure...
...was the Rotary Across Wales Walk a couple of weeks back, a killer 43-mile race with 6000 feet of ascent in atrocious weather. Katie somehow survived it all to finish second female and sixth overall. Fifth-placed female in the Stratford Summer Six must have seemed easy!
[Andy Irvine, Mon 07/07/08] [comments (0)]

5K League - Cambridge
Another good 5K for C&C at Wilberforce Road. The men's team turned out in force again and took four of the first five places (well done Noel, Nick, Chris and Geoff) to win their match by a mile, and despite scraping the bare minimum female numbers, the quality was superb and we were pipped by Newmarket into second place by a mere one point. Star turn for the women was Karin in second place. We also took the overall victory comfortably. Well done all the runners, organiser Glyn, starter Barry, referee Neil and the many others who turned out to help.
[Andy Irvine, Fri 04/07/08] [comments (0)]
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